There is indeed a collective recollection of the beginning of time encoded in the human psyche, just as there is indeed a valid intuition of the end of days encoded there too; but those collective memories and intuitions have been largely misinterpreted in the tales that the story tellers have told us. What we have read or heard from them are things that keep happening to all human beings, but not to “creation” as a whole. Creation has no beginning and it is indestructible. What has a beginning and has an end is each individual human being.
All of us have our own Genesis and our own Apocalypse. We are all born and we all die. The Universe didn’t one day come into being as Genypse theories propose, what one day came into being is each and everyone of us. The Universe is never coming to an end either, contrary to whatever any self-appointed prophet of doom may claim, what some day will come to an end is again each and everyone of us. Genypse theories are actually true; they just never happened at the level of “Creation.”
Genypse tales do emanate from some sort of collective subconscious memory as well, but the source of those memories is not the events that those stories would have us believe in. In order to elaborate further on this line of thinking, let’s first recall what question No. 1 above was all about: 1) How can memories of the beginning of time or Genesis be part of our collective subconscious if by definition no human being could have been there to witness it when it happened?
Let’s also recall some of the differences that exist between monistic and dualistic cosmogonies. In the monistic view, there are two kinds of beings: Eternal and ephemeral. But all ephemeral beings have an eternal core. Please recall that that core is “eternal,” not “everlasting.” This means that it has no beginning and no end. In the dualistic view there are the same two kinds of beings, Eternal and Ephemeral, except that the only eternal being is God. In the dualistic view, ephemeral beings, i.e., us, also have a core, but that core is not eternal, it is only everlasting. This means that it has a beginning, but it has no end.
Now, my answer to question No. 1 is only valid from the perspective of a monistic cosmogony. Dualistic cosmogonies don’t allow for the kind of collective subconscious memories that I propose for the simple reason that, in their view, the life of the human core or soul begins at the moment of conception. From the dualistic point of view, the human soul experiences birth and death only once, whereas in the monistic view the human soul experiences birth and death myriad times.
Something as pervasive across the globe and as constantly expressed throughout human history as the topic of Genypse stories is would have to happen an innumerable amount of times to get encoded in the human psyche in such an indelible fashion. The desire to express Genesis-like ideas appears quite similar to an instinct of the psychic kind and no human instinct can develop in the span of a single lifetime, be it of the psychic or the physical kind. The human genome doesn’t absorb information that easily.
My answer to question No. 1, therefore, is only valid from a perspective of reincarnation. The collective subconscious memory we all share that is the source of inspiration for all those stories about the beginning of time is an imprint we all carry in our psyche after having gone through an innumerable amount of births. Each time that we are born is just another instance in which the Universe appears to be created for us. Before our birth the Universe didn’t exist for us. It came into being one more time at the moment we came back into this world.
It is true that no one could have possibly been there at the beginning of time, but not because at the beginning there was nothing, as Genesis-like theories tell us, but because there has never been a beginning of time. From an Eternalist point of view, time is simply nonexistent. There cannot be a beginning for Eternity. Where there’s a beginning there’s no Eternity. Everlasting and ephemeral things have a beginning; Eternal ones don’t. The beginning or Genesis that we all remember is not the Universe’s, but our own.
All human beings are ephemeral. We all have a beginning and we all have an end, but our core consciousness or souls don’t; they are eternal. After our “souls” reincarnate in this world for an undetermined amount of times, the memory of our birth gets imprinted on the densest part of it. That imprint or psychic memory eventually surfaces on our conscious and finds expression in the form of Genesis-like stories. But that psychic memory, which is just a recollection of the vast number of re-entries we have made into this reality, is misrepresented in Genypse tales as the beginning of the world, or as the beginning of “creation,” although in fact it is just a recollection of the myriad times we have come back into this “reality.”
Since all souls go through the same process of reincarnation for as many times as their evolutionary state requires, everyone has recollection of the same beginnings, hence the collective nature of that memory. Genesis-like theories resonate in our minds because we can all relate to them, not in the specific way in which we can remember something we have all experienced collectively like, say, 9/11, but as the intuitive recollection of something we have all experienced individually.
Question No. 1, therefore, can be best answered by stating that Genesis-like theories and stories indeed emanate from some sort of collective subconscious memory, but not because human beings were there to witness the moment of “creation.” Nobody could have witnessed the moment of creation because no Genesis-like moment of “creation” has ever taken place. Instead, the seed for all Genesis-like theories and stories is dormant in our collective subconscious memory as an encrypted recollection of our own individual recurring births, which we all have experienced an innumerable amount of times. When that recollection somehow surfaces to our conscious, it finds expression in the form of the mythical stories and pseudo-scientific theories that we all read and hear about.