My beliefs on this matter or, better said, my certainties on this matter, are quite far from any dualistic views; they are firmly anchored on the monistic side of this religious-philosophical divide. I am absolutely positive that God and Creation are one and the same. In my view, Creation is Eternal, not just everlasting. In fact, from a monistic perspective the term “Creation” is a misnomer, as the reality that we perceive through our senses that we call creation was in fact never created in the Genesis sense of the word.
It was never created in the Big-Bang sense of the word either. In my view, the Universe didn’t one day just magically spring into existence and started evolving into its present shape out of some sort of atomic silly putty, as Lemaitre pretends it did. Lemaitre’s idea sounds to some of us like the product of a rather sophisticated, yet ultimately inadequate mind incapable of conceiving the idea of an Eternal Universe.
The Universe is just the largest part of creation, but since Creation is one and the same with God and God is Eternal, the Universe is eternal too. The Universe never came into existence; it was always there, since forever, and it will be there forever as well. The Universe may evolve and change; planets may crash and life may become extinct on them; stars may light up or burn out, but the Universe will never disappear. It has always been there and it will always be.
Obviously, this monistic view cannot be shared by the overwhelming majority of people. Almost everybody on Earth embraces a dualistic cosmogony and believes in one version or another of the Big-Bangeddon. I wouldn’t be amazed if even some adherents to monistic philosophies expressed their dismay when reading the Eternalist (1) statement I presented above. Many Buddhists, for one, would disagree with it. But what those brethren would fail to see is how baseless and fantastic the Genypse-like and Big-Bangeddon-like theories that they believe in really are.
Still, I wouldn’t blame anyone for putting their faith in those stories. There is a very solid reason why such tales have so many believers and followers and that reason has to do with the archetypal subconscious intuitions mentioned above. The timeless and pervasive presence of Genypse-like stories definitely points to natural sources of inspiration whose constant thrust towards expression is clearly irresistible to human kind. Human beings seem to have an irrepressible need to believe in and express, in whichever way they can, the idea of a beginning and an end of “Creation.”
From an Eternalist point of view, however, the beginning and the end of Creation are perfectly illusory; yet the source of inspiration that produces the stories that talk about them isn’t. Genypse and Big-Bangeddon tales are not totally false; they are based on factual, cyclical, recurrent events. Where those theories and stories fail is in the magnitude of their scope. There was indeed a Genesis at a given point in time and there will indeed be an Apocalypse sometime in the future too, but not at the level of the Universe. Genypse-like events have always occurred in all corners of the world and at all stages of human evolution; they just haven’t happened to the Universe at large and they never will.
The Genesis is taking place right now, as I write and as you read, everywhere in the world where there is a good number of people. And the Apocalypse is happening there too. The same goes for the Big Bang. The whole of creation is coming into being at this very instant and the whole of Creation is coming to an end at this very instant as well. Genypse and Big-Bangeddon tales are based on actual events, except that the magnitude of those events does not correspond to the magnitude of the events described in those stories.