
America’s Excessive Capitalism Has Made Americans Hopelessly Desperate.
Nha Trang, Vietnam, January 6th, 2025.

The question is, what good is it to live in the strongest economy in the world when you are constantly struggling to make ends meet? What good is it to have the most dynamic stock market of them all when your very expensive healthcare system barely pays for your family’s most essential medical bills?

What good is it to live in the most technologically advanced nation in history when getting a BA, a Master’s, or a PhD degree sets you in debt for the rest of your life? What good is it to live in the oldest Democracy in the world when neither of the only two viable political parties stands for the rights and the wellbeing of the majorities?

What pride can there be in being an American when your president-elect is an authoritarian demagogue, convicted criminal, sexual offender, insurrectionist, amoral, inveterate fraudster?
In the long run, who cares about any of that, right? The US is still number one and as long as that is the case everything else is unimportant, right? And who cares whether the rest of the world thinks we are in constant decline? As long as we have the most powerful military that has ever existed they will always fear us and, if push comes to shove, we can always bash them into submission, right? Yeah, right!
NO, not right. If only things were that simple, but they are not. Why do you think 77 million, 284 thousand,118 Americans, including great numbers of them from the working classes, elected as president a convicted criminal, sexual offender, insurrectionist individual this past November? Because they trust American politics?
Ha! NO, they did it because they would rather bet the destiny of the country on such unsavory character than continue hoping that those hypocrite Democrats will someday come through for them.
In an act of blatant spite for the whole American political establishment, they not only voted for the party of the rich, by the rich, and for the rich, but even voted for a criminal individual who despises the American Democratic and Judicial Systems. Screw them all, they said with their vote.
In the view of those millions of Maga voters, the pursuit of the American Dream requires you to be asleep and they refuse to go back to bed, for in reality the whole game is rigged against them and they need to find a way to fix it. Unfortunately, the guy they elected President is a renown fraudster who will just keep pushing them deeper into the hole.
Once a criminal always a criminal, particularly when the criminal in question is an inveterate high-roller fraudster as Trump is.
Desperation can blind you, but in this case the fault does not fall entirely on the shoulders of those desperate Maga Americans. It falls mainly on the American capitalist system, which keeps proving itself to be way too extreme.
There is a pervasive, prevailing, archaic and irrational fear of the “socialist” label that helps put a stop to any forward-looking prospective policies and legislations. Universal healthcare? Socialism! Universal or affordable education? Socialism! Freedom to Unionize? Socialism! Improving public transportation? Socialism!
If there is any initiative, policy, or legislation that the dominant classes may consider favorable to the workers and unfavorable to them, all they have to do is label it “socialist” and even the courts will find ways to come around and call it “unconstitutional”, thereby killing it.
In response to all that I say: Screw socialism! I don't give a damn how you call it. All I want is for the US government to work on behalf of the American masses, not just on behalf of the econo-political elites.
So, is the whole American socio-econo-political system really rigged against the American workers? You bet it is. Unfortunately, the people who have for decades been supposed to stand in defense of the masses, the Democrats, have been for long bought and sold by the financial elites and there is not one single finger they intend to lift to change the status quo.
But if this is the way things are, who can the American masses turn to? Who can they pin their hopes for a better future on? Who can they look up to for guidance? Nobody. There are NO extant sociopolitical visionary in America.
All potential leaders are quite happy with the inauspicious way things currently are. All of them except one. Unfortunately, that lone outsider happens to be Donald Trump, a corrupt convicted criminal who in no way intends to take America forward, but backward.
To watch a video by the late George Carlin whose message fits perfectly well within the current US political situation, please click here.
