
Unthinkable: A Notorious Amoral Criminal Is a Popular Candidate for President of the United States.
Phu Quoc Island, Vietnam, August 28th, 2024.

I mean, Really! Think about it: A Vulgar Bully who 1) was ordered to pay US$25 million for defrauding students at Trump University in New York City, 2) two of his companies have been found guilty of 17 counts of tax evasion in Manhattan, 3) has TWICE been found guilty of sexually assaulting women in New York, 4) was convicted on 34 counts of fraud in the “Hush-Money” case also in New York, 5) has been indicted for a) his efforts to overturn the 2020 election (Washington DC), b) for willful retention of national defense information and conspiracy to obstruct justice in Florida and, c) for election tampering in the State of Georgia.

Yet, until Vice-President Kamala Harris entered the race in July of 2024, that notorious, amoral, criminal was the frontrunner for President of the United States. Can you believe this? And please consider that what I just enumerated ARE FACTS!! Meaning that, in the 3D world where most of us live, those facts are part of our day-to-day REALITY. But our common reality also includes the undeniable fact that millions of Americans don’t give a single damn about that guy’s criminal amorality!!

They know that he is a habitual, inveterate liar, they know that his corroded mental abilities disqualify him for the top position in the nation but, most of all, they know he has NO principles and NO morals, yet they all still follow him unconditionally. But perhaps the most unbelievable of all of this is the fact that all those people who so blindly follow such corrupt, amoral, anti-American character ARE AMERICANS!!!

Many people might have thought that the most lethal enemy the United States has faced since WWII were maybe those deranged Islamist terrorists of ISIS or Al-qaeda, or maybe those Iranians loudly chanting Death to America! Or maybe even those Chinese fanatics bent on world domination. But NO! The most fatal, most lethal enemies of the United States as we know it, the most hell-bent enemies of the American Democratic and Judicial Systems are none other than our own fellow Americans.

In short, America’s domestic enemies are turning out to be many times deadlier than all those foreign ones combined. And we are only just about to enter the woods. Political pandemonium is just waiting around the corner. Over the past 3.5 years, the Republicans have been getting ready to disrupt the 2024 election so that they can invalidate any results that don’t favor their candidate.

They already tried hard to do that in 2020-21 and now they know why they failed. So they have been putting in place a host of co-religionaries in key positions in the electoral process in key States, so that they will have the authority to invalidate, or at least cast serious doubts over, any electoral results that may put the Democratic ticket on top.

Just think about it for a moment, if the Republican masses don’t give a single damn about the criminal activity that their Führer has been found guilty of, or has been indicted for, what makes you think they will care if he successfully overturns the elections and declares himself President for life?

What might have seemed unthinkable just a few years ago, is now a crude reality: A notorious, amoral criminal is for the third time running for President of the United States and millions of Americans are going to vote for him.

Only in America.

