The Unforgivable Americans
Tiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu, India, October 18th, 2016
Yes Republicans, a good majority of those in your ranks are now glaringly guilty of Lèse-Majesté, the crime of deliberately injuring the moral foundations of your own country. Shame on you, Republicans, for cynically acquiescing to your anointed presidential candidate’s unfounded claims that the 2016 elections are already rigged. Shame on you for failing to denounce him while he continually works to undermine the nation’s Democratic processes with his destructive inflammatory lies.
Shame on you Republicans, for allowing the heat of your incubated racist, xenophobic hatred cloud your skewed fragile intelligence to the point of rendering it useless and for allowing your personal frustrations, resentments and insecurities throw your already-biased moral compass into such disgraceful disarray.
History will not forgive you, shameless Republicans, no matter what the aftermath of the elections turns out to be. You are by all counts guilty of injuring the moral foundations of the United States and for that the whole Democratic world cannot help but to say: Shame on you!
Your anointed presidential candidate irresponsibly sows the seeds of dissent against the electoral processes of the country, thereby threatening to seriously undermine the legitimacy of any future administration other than his and you, the majority of shameless Republicans, like a blind horde of retrograde ignorant fools, irresponsibly stand by so that it is actually YOU, in your cowardly failure to accept responsibility for your own circumstances, who trample upon some of the most fundamental pillars of the Republic
Shame on you Republicans.
May history not be in the least lenient to you for the dishonorable legacy that you are these days bestowing on your own country.
Shame on you, disgraceful unforgivable majority of Republicans! Shame on you!