
My Response to Democrats Abroad
St. Etienne, France, August 5, 2011

Hi Katie:

In a way, thanks for sending the money-collecting email.

However, I have to say that, even though I voted for Barack in 2008, I'm not going to vote for him in 2012. The Democratic party will still get my vote next year, but it will be an anti-Republican vote, not a pro-Obama vote.

Why this attitude of mine? Well, it's just that I don't sympathize much with WIMPS like Barack. A guy who came to power with a 7 or 8% margin of votes and still allows Republicans to keep pushing the same type of failed policies of the past. Sorry, not much guts at the White House at the moment.

First, Obama allows a two-year extension of the Bush tax cuts last December, then he allows the budget reductions in April of this year, and now he has the nerve to call the recent debt-ceiling "deal" a DEAL? That was a total surrender to the lunacy of the Republican Party's brinkmanship.

And you want me to send you money to celebrate that timid gentleman's birthday? You got the wrong guy here.

The time for condoning Obama's wimpiness in the name of the faults of the previous administrations is long past. No more time for saying "poor little Obama, he inherited a very precarious situation from the Bush administration, so we must now allow him to be a wimp, so that he can feel free to let those lunatic Republican ideologues walk all over him while the majority of the American people gets shafted in the process". Enough of that.

And please don't dare to think that I don't understand how "hard" it is to govern the United States, so I cannot appreciate "poor little Obama's" efforts in getting the country back on track. Please don't do yourself a favor so easily.

We put that guy in the White House so that he could turn the country around from the wrong and failed Republican policies of the past, not just to have a symbolic African-American who doesn't do much, other than allowing the lunatic wing of the American political spectrum continue taking the United States down the drain.

So, thanks but no thanks. I don't give money to celebrate any wimp's birthday.


