The Screen Where all Religions are Projected.
Sihanoukville, Cambodia, October 25th, 2014.
Universal Consciousness is the screen and our religious beliefs are the projector casting preconceptions on it. So-called Religious experiences are never really religious in the common sense of the word. Essentially, all religions spring from experiences of higher levels of consciousness where the “religious” aspect involved is just a superimposition people exert over them according to their own iconic or archetypal preferences.
Divest yourself (if you can) of any religious dogmas and beliefs and you will still be perfectly capable of experiencing higher levels of consciousness of the Epiphany sort. Actually, the purest form of epiphany you may ever experience is non-religious in nature. An epiphany of the Christian, or Buddhist, or Hindu, or Judaist, or any other religious kind, will always be tainted with preconceptions that your mind will have superimposed on them, therefore they will be contaminated with dogmatic preconceived mental mediations that in and of themselves will always distort the purity of the experience.
A pure state of higher consciousness is devoid of preconceptions, therefore it is essentially non-religious. Religious beliefs are always overimposed upon consciousness. Nobody is born with their minds engraved with the specific tenets of any religion. All religions are, in one way or another, sheer indoctrinations. Therefore, any “religious” interpretation of any higher levels of consciousness will always be a biased and distorted version of that experience.
Most religions are guided by tenets that render them exclusive to different degrees. People can hop from one indoctrination to another or abandon them altogether if they so wish, but the pure all-encompassing, Universal Consciousness, can never be attained while searching for it with any exclusivist view of it in mind. And if it ever were, the interpretation of it would have to be biased in one way or another and to different degrees.
More important still, any such interpretation of any higher level of consciousness probably wouldn’t stand the test of time, as at some point in Eternity it may exhaust itself and be forced, of its own weight, to fall back onto this world as a natural consequence of its own inherent unavoidable quest to achieve unbiased untainted Universal Consciousness.
Regardless of their levels of good intention or the level of sincerity and zeal with which their adepts may adhere to them, prejudiced (i.e. religious/mythical) interpretations of higher levels of consciousness may be inevitably bound to consume their lifespan and fall back into the category of dreams and illusions, whose fate is always to eventually vanish into nothingness.
The problem with such facts is that once those religious illusions cease to exist, the raw unalloyed Universal Consciousness left underneath them, which is actually the screen upon which all religious beliefs are projected, may easily be incomprehensible or even frightening to the religiously-tainted mind, thereby prompting it to fall back again onto this world in pursuit of some understanding of it.
Pure untainted unalloyed consciousness of the universal kind is perfectly devoid of any attributes. Nothing that contains everything can be partial to anything. Just the fact of containing everything implies it is accepting of everything, therefore it is indiscriminating. Derivatives or declinations of it can, and actually have to, be partial to different degrees, as they emanate from the whole, but are only subdivisions of it.
Not the Whole.
If the Whole is Universal by definition it is impartial, therefore non-religious. If religions are exclusivist in their beliefs and in their practices, they cannot in any way be universalist, therefore no higher consciousness attained through them can be universalist either, it will always be partial, ephemeral, limited, incomplete.
There is nothing wrong in looking to attain religious epiphanies, so that if you’re keen on struggling to attain such an experience I would suggest you go ahead and give it a shot. But please be aware that the only kind of higher consciousness you will attain based on any such religious beliefs will always be partial and may be bound to evaporate into nothingness sometime in the short or the long run.
Universal Consciousness is the Screen where all religious beliefs are projected and it is the source whence all religious beliefs spring as well, but it is not religious in any sense. Universal Consciousness (i.e., “God”) cannot be characterized by any particular set of attributes, for it contains all possible attributes at the same time. It is pure untainted unalloyed Consciousness; therefore it cannot be partial to any religious credence of any kind.