The Political Eunuchs of the American Democratic Party
Beijing, China, 10 February, 2018
There is plenty to say regarding the title of this commentary, but let me start by clarifying that I have only rarely voted for the Democratic Party. Except for the 2008 elections, I have always voted against the Republican Party.
As an American living in China after living in a few other countries over the past 14 years, I continue to receive emails from "Democrats Abroad", an organization that is supposed to keep us non-Republicans who live outside the US united, but despite their rhetoric and their repeated requests for monetary contributions I have never sent them a single penny because I do not believe in the veracity of the elected members of that party, including the often-cowardly attitudes of their Pelosis and their Schumers.
The only time I have contributed some money for a political campaign was for the presidential elections of 2008, when I even designed and published some videos in favor of Barak Obama.
The truth is that the US is and has always been a right-wing country and the Democrats are and have almost always been political eunuchs and faint-hearted intellectuals who have never (or almost never) been able to present convincingly to the American people any political ideas that do not extol that blind selfishness called "American individualism" which always ends up promoting plutocratic and Darwinian ideas (see "rugged individualism")
Of course, there is a very valid reason why the Democrats do not have much success in their supposedly "leftist" claims and it is because a good number of them ARE NOT leftists. Obviously, the US is a country with only one political party: The “Americanist” Party which consists of two factions: the Hard Line faction and the Moderate faction where the Republicans shape the former and the Democrats the latter.
In the American political spheres very rarely are there real leftist ideas and, when there are, the "Democrats" who try to implement legislations based on them do so with timorous attitudes that are largely lacking in conviction.
From the political point of view of salient democracies such as those of Germany, France, England and the Nordic countries, the American left may even be laughable, as the American "Democrats" behave very often as emasculated and timid politicians.
The above is very relevant at this precise moment in which a Republican "President" refuses to present to the American people arguments from the Democratic Party that would further invalidate the false accusations made against the FBI, the FISA and the Department of Justice in that doctored Republican document called "The Nuñes Memo", which the very same "president" has proclaimed as proof that the investigation that Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller conducts against him is invalid because of political prejudices (Já)
The question now is: What are those faint-hearted Democrats going to do about it? Are they going to throw themselves belly up on the ground in a state of apparent frustration and indignation, or are they going to respond strongly to that flagrant republican display of contempt for the democratic processes of the country?
Suggestion for the Democrats: Leak the Document to the Press. And to hell with any super false argument proposing that its publication will endanger national security. Hogwash! If Nuñes' memo did not do that, Schiff's will not do it either.
Please wake up, you idiot American Democrats, democracies can be very fragile and are unable to protect themselves by themselves. Antidemocratic forces do not come to power only via the coup d'état, but through the electoral route as well (see Hugo Chávez 1998) Democracies need their members to stand up and loudly denounce their enemies, both foreign and domestic.
The growing proto-fascist forces that currently populate the Republican Party are trying to undermine the democratic foundations of the country and this is no longer the time for Democrats to act as political castrates.
I seriously hope that the elected members of the Democratic Party will show the whole world how wrong we are to think that they are but a bundle of Republicans in disguise complicit in the Trumpist efforts to undermine the foundations of American democracy.