The Manifestation of a Specter that Has Always Lurked Within the American Psyche.
Phuket Island, Thailand, November 10th, 2024.
We have for some time been hearing the deep, increasing rumble of an approaching political storm threatening the sociopolitical stability of the country. We have also been hearing the warnings that those who have decoded the rumble have been issuing to us: “The American Dream is dying”, the warnings have told us, “and it may be on its way to becoming a nightmare”.
But the rumble we kept hearing was the result of millions of Americans stomping on the ground clamoring for change, and the resulting phenomenon we clearly saw on November 5th looks like an incoming authoritarian tsunami that promises to wipe out most of the existing governmental structures and put in place a Unitary form of Government with NO checks and balances to restrain the excesses of the Executive.
Not much good can be expected from an all-powerful unitary administration where the proto-despot at the helm has already been invested with total immunity from prosecution by the Supreme Court of the United States. These events are no happenstance. This won’t go down as a kink in the American history books. Too many pieces have fallen perfectly well into place all by themselves. This has the words “meant-to-be” and “destiny” clearly written all over it.
November 5th was just the logical consequence of nearly 10 years of constantly poking at the authoritarian specter that has always lurked within the American psyche and that specter is now widely awake and getting ready to incarnate in the form of the proto-Fascist regime poised to assume power on January 20th, 2025.
All Bets Are Off.
If I said to you that, as of now, almost any alarming outcome looks plausible, would you accuse me of being a prophet of doom? Well, if you did, I could easily accuse you of being, either utterly naïve, or being in abject denial, as the specter of authoritarianism, even the specter of tyranny, has always laid latent in the darkest corners of the American identity.
Already by 1787, none other than Thomas Jefferson, the father of The Declaration of Independence, wrote that “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure”, thereby implying that tyranny was not out of the question in America.
For over 248 years, authoritarianism has never been a farfetched possibility in the United States. To come to fruition it just needed the right kind of people in the right positions in government with the necessary ability to incite the masses and, Voila! We had the results of the November 5th Presidential Elections!
In case you haven’t realized it yet, we just elected the first American authoritarian administration, thereby opening the gates of government to the first authoritarian regime in the history of the United States.