The Hesitant in Chief
Jiayuguan, Gansu Province, China, September 2, 2013.
“I haven’t made a decision yet” on Syria, Obama said on national TV a few days ago, only to come out on Saturday saying he has decided not to decide.
If he really believes taking military action against Assad is the right choice, why doesn’t he act accordingly? He has the authority to do it. What does he think the Republican- dominated House is going to do? Hasn’t he yet understood that a good majority of Republicans are not going to waste any opportunity to make him look bad?
He says American credibility is at stake in this issue, but in relinquishing his authority as Commander in Chief he’s actually risking undermining precisely the credibility he so much wants to protect. As the situation stands today, the American President doesn’t command much respect. How worse is America going to look in the eyes of the world when Congress rejects his plans to use military force in Syria?
And even if Congress gave Obama the green light to hit Assad, there would still remain the question of how hard we should hit him. Going through all that hullabaloo only to make a dent on Assad’s forces would be a total waste of time and treasure. If we’re going to hit Assad we better hit him hard and where it really hurts.
Obama says he doesn’t what to meddle in Syria’s civil war but that’s exactly what he would do with any kind of US Military intervention. So let’s take all masks off and tell it like it is: We are already interfering in Syria’s civil war. And we are decidedly NOT on Assad’s side.
The Hesitant in Chief has the eyes of the world focused on him, but not filled with admiration. Getting approval from Congress would only clear one of the hurdles needed to salvage the President’s reputation. Seriously disabling Assad’s military capabilities would be the second and decisive one.
As it is, however, Obama perfectly fits the role of the Undecider. Wake up bro. There’s still room in the world for leaders with strong convictions based on reason.