The Fool in Chief
Tiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu, India, January 18th, 2017
And you thought G. W. Bush was an incompetent ignoramus unworthy of the highest office in the Land?
Well then just brace for what’s coming your way, for you have not only handed the Oval Office to an equally unfit idiot, but to someone who is also a sick narcissist, an inveterate liar, an uncontrollable egotist, a shameless antidemocratic hack, and someone who is willing to give away the highest principles of the land for a word of praise from any despot he may admire.
And you still think that the heart of this Donald guy is going to be moved after January 20th and will be enticed to mend his reckless ways and become a responsible president who looks for the betterment of America and every American in it? You think that the highest office in the land is going to humble this guy? Are you blind?
This is only going to get worse. This guy is about to be anointed as the most powerful man in the world! Second only to Vladimir Putin (ha), his mentor and promoter, who was actually very instrumental in electing him.
You still think that the highly-undemocratic Electoral College made the best choice this time around? You still think that all of this is happening in America’s best interest? You ain’t seen nothing yet! This fool is going to rock the fundamental tenets of American Democracy to the point of probably wrecking the whole historical American experiment.
Be glad, however, that when the Trump disaster finally becomes evident for all human eyes to see, you, the American people, will not have anyone to blame but yourselves, as it will have been mostly in your hands to derail the oncoming political train wreck coming your way.
Your highly-flawed undemocratic electoral system brought a dangerous fool to the presidency of the country. Now you have no choice but to deal with the consequences.
Can there be anything worse for the whole world than having an unprincipled, uninformed, narcissistic, authoritarian, egomaniac fool at the helm of the United States of America?