Will Pro-Democracy Americans Let Trump’s Fascist Forces Steamroll Over Their Rights and Freedoms?
Nha Trang, Vietnam, December 12th, 2024.
I cannot help but be puzzled by the overconfident way that even seasoned political analysts and pundits continue to cite the US Constitution, the American Rule of Law, and the popular, traditional American inclination toward justice, as counterarguments to any scenarios painting the future of the United States in dire terms.
In the face of Trump’s promises to commit all kinds of absurd and even unthinkable transgressions and excesses, they keep saying things like, “Trump won’t be able to do that because it would be unconstitutional” or “Congress would never acquiesce to any such unlawful executive order”, or “our Judiciary provides for ways to put a stop to any illegal abuses” or ultimately, they say that “there’s no way the American people would consent to that”.
My question is, are those political pundits contemplating reality with their minds set on the present, or on a quickly-fading idealized past? Seems to me that those counterarguments would have been valid 40, 30, or even 20 years ago, but not in the here and now.
First, during his upcoming second term, Trump won’t give the slightest, single damn whether his executive orders run roughshod of any Constitutional mandate. The Supreme Court already handed him Carte Blanche for basically any action he might take as President, so he knows he’s no longer liable for prosecution for any of it.
Then there’s the fact that the majorities in both chambers of Congress will now be in Maga hands and that even if there were a small number of Republican lawmakers willing to put a stop to Trump’s madness, if push came to shove, they could easily be coerced to toe the line through intimidation, i.e.,phone-call/email/texting/residence harassment by Trump-enticed Maga fanatics, and complaints in their own States from their own Maga constituencies.
As far as it concerns the argument that the American Rule of Law will always prevail over any Trumpian transgressions, that would be a perfectly disingenuous thing to say, as it entirely forgets how Trump made a total circus out of the 4 Federal cases brought against him pertaining to the J6 insurrection and the classified-documents mishandling, as none of those cases even went to trial.
In the only case against Trump that was brought to completion with a unanimous conviction on 34 felony counts, the Judge never even pronounced a sentence and probably never will. So, if as a mere presidential candidate Trump managed to make a total mockery out of the American judicial system, what makes those pundits think he won’t do it again even worse as President of the United States?
Finally, the argument that “there’s no way the American people would agree to” any of Trump’s near-criminal executive orders totally misses the point that, as evidenced in the November 5th elections, A MAJORITY OF AMERICANS SUPPORT TRUMP. So, who are those Americans who would strongly resist being steamrolled by the domestic Fascist forces of the United States?
Pro-Democracy Americans certainly number in the millions, but in any confrontation, be it in the streets, the courts, or the ballot box, they would be outnumbered by Trump’s authoritarian Maga hordes. Of course, not all of the nefarious changes Trump and his hench-people have in mind would be enforced during his first 100 days in office.
Things like mass deportations, replacing government employees with Trumpian loyalists, and even some drastic changes to educational curriculums could be enforced relatively quickly. But silencing the American News Media would be a medium-term project, more like a war of attrition aimed at gradually weakening any resistance to censorship, hence the urgent need for the current Democrat-controlled Senate to pass the Press Act (see here)
No doubt the Trumpian Fascist machinery is gearing up to steamroll over the rights and freedoms of all Americans. They’re just waiting to get hold of the reins of power to set the steamroller in motion. For the rest of us, therefore, the road ahead won’t be an easy one to travel on. It will be a steep, slippery, uphill struggle.
So, if there is any suggestion I could make to you today, it would be to look at the incoming hideous, Fascist beast straight in the eyes and do your best to grab it right by the horns.
This is no longer the time to play the Ostrich, hiding your head in the sand. No time to feel disappointed or depressed like petty little weaklings every time you read, watch, or hear the news. This will be a time to show whether you really love your country.
In short, either we manage to stand up and face the incoming storm with strength and resolve in our hearts and minds, or we will end up witnessing the end of the United States as we know it.