The Butterfly Effect
Djibouti, February 17, 2012
A friend whom I've known over the past couple of years only from exchanging some thoughts over the Internet, sent me an email the other day talking about some predictions she'd heard for the year 2012, some of which, she said, were as varied as to inspire in her hope or fear, enchantment or disappointment, and a series of dichotomies of that sort.
On her part, she said, she felt rather optimistic about 2012. She mentioned the family projects she had in mind for this year, perhaps implying that a couple of them had already started coming true not long after the holiday season and, after wishing I felt the same way about the whole issue, she went on to talk about other things.
As conclusion she included a short writing her sister had very recently sent her, asking me to tell her what I thought about it, so I read it. By the time I'd finished reading the seventh or eighth line I had realized that, in essence, my friend's sister was talking, perhaps inadvertently, about the Butterfly Effect. She was elaborating on the theme using different examples, mainly centering on the effects that our personal feelings and behavior might have on the feelings and behavior of people living in distant places.
In case you didn't know, the Butterfly Effect is a theory proposing that all actions have repercussions on the rest of the environment. The theory is a part of Chaos Theory and seems to be quite useful when studying complex systems of a few kinds. Along those lines, the flapping of a Butterfly's wings in one corner of the world might be the primal cause for a hurricane wreaking atmospheric havoc in another.
Similarly, in my friend's sister's view, everyone and everything is like threads in a fabric, interwoven together with everyone and everything else, tightly knitted to the point where even the things we think end up having an effect on the way everyone else might think.
The writing ended in quite a poetic manner, expressing some very optimistic predictions for the next few years when, in the author's opinion, humankind is bound to experience some considerable spiritual advancement at the collective level. The latter definitely sounded more than a bit familiar to me.
Then she made references to the Zodiac, which very clearly reminded me of the issue of the Age of Aquarius that took firm hold of a good number of people's imagination back there in the late sixties and early seventies. In case you didn't know or have forgotten, in 1969 the pop group "The 5th Dimension" even released a song by the name of "The Age of Aquarius" that talked precisely about the spiritual awakening that was supposed to have taken place during that period.
I was never fully taken by that wave of Aquarian idealism, but I was right in the middle of it and experienced it first hand by living in some communes. For the same reasons of skepticism that usually prevail in me, I wouldn't be inclined to be swept away today, as I wasn't then, in a wave of Piscean idealism either.
Still, the writing in question was fairly well done and it contained more than a couple of touching passages. My friend's sister obviously has much in common with my friend, who often writes with moving touches of sincerity. I do feel grateful for having the chance to read what they write, but my focus on the issue of humanity's spiritual evolution is slightly different.
My friend's sister seems to center her attention at the collective level, trying to instill better behavior in her fellow kind so that, as a direct result, the rest of humanity may behave better (the Butterfly Effect). In her view, if you refrain from having a bad thought today, someone on the other side of the planet might refrain from hitting his wife or his children tonight.
Applying the Butterfly Effect in this way to human behavior might add a different dimension to spiritual humanism* and, if it ever worked at the collective level, it might even have a positive effect on the way the whole world lives their daily lives.
But what if the Butterfly Effect theory is nothing but a fantasy? What if it's just a figment of some distracted scientist's imagination? What if our actions, good or bad, actually don't have any influence on anyone else's behavior on the other side of the world?
You may say that it really doesn't matter whether the Butterfly Effect theory, as applied by my friend's sister, is true or not as long as it helps people change their behavior for the better, but in so saying you might already be entering the realm of faith and dogma, which is a realm a good number of us don't have any interest in entering. And once you're aware that you're dealing with dogma many of us may simply walk away from the whole issue.
My friend's sister would like to change the world for the better by making the individual think of the benefits the rest of the world may reap from his or her behavioral improvement. In her view, if one hundred individuals improved their behavior in one part of the world, in so doing they might improve the behavior of another hundred individuals in another part of the world, and so on.
Idealism, however, is not a fruit that all people like to bite into. This commentarist, for one, has seldom ever done so. But this doesn't mean that I think humanity will never improve their behavior toward each other and toward the environment and that our fellow men and women are all doomed to be always as faulty, irresponsible, and selfish as they may have ever been. On the contrary, at the bottom I agree with my friend's sister that behavioral and spiritual evolution is possible for each and all of us, but not in a simultaneous collective manner as she proposes.
In my view, as a species, humanity doesn't have a propensity to evolve very fast. I do have high hopes for humanity, but as individuals much more than as a collectivity. For example, as far as history can attest, high ideals and evolved social concepts have usually downed on the minds of individuals, not on the minds of entire collectivities. Later, when the different communities thought they had understood those new ideals and concepts, they interpreted them and put them to practice accordingly.
Viewed from a different angle, a few individuals would take action when asked to do something on behalf of their fellow humans, but the great majority of us probably wouldn't. Ask somebody to do something for their own good, on the other hand, and many of us might do it right away, although there's a good number of us that wouldn't be able to, as they would lack the will power to do it.
Ideals have a reason to exist, as they provide us with inspiration and make us aspire to be better individuals than we may presently be, but reality has a way of colliding with ideals that eventually breeds apathy and skepticism toward ideals, as the force of our instincts, needs, habits and traditions usually weighs much heavier on our behavior than most of our lofty aspirations.
Still, I believe that human beings should strive to improve themselves physically, mentally, morally, and spiritually as much as possible and that we should all try to make our world a much more pleasant place to live in for everyone, but I believe we should do that for ourselves because we want it for ourselves, which would be like putting our ideals to practice because we believe they're good for us, regardless of who else benefits from it.
There's no way for me to know whether the Butterfly Effect theory is applicable at the personal level, so there's no way for me to know whether my behavioral changes actually affect someone else's on the other side of the planet, but there's certainly a clear way for me to know whether my behavioral changes improve my own physical, mental, moral or spiritual condition. Pragmatism, therefore, can in this sense be a more reliable tool to measure our improvement.
The latter, I think, is particularly true of some spiritual quests. When trying to attain higher levels of consciousness through some transcendental disciplines, for example, it would be very difficult for us to do it if we were expecting that someone else in another part of the world may attain them too. In my view, higher levels of consciousness have to be sought by ourselves for ourselves and solely on behalf of ourselves, not anyone else's.
It's true that in attaining higher levels of spiritual awareness there will definitely be some beneficial effects spreading out from the person who has attained those levels, but that would only be part of the law of unintended consequences and would have probably never been the main reason that we looked to attain such levels of awareness in the first place.
There's nothing wrong in wishing to change other people's behavior for the better by improving our own, just as there's nothing wrong in always having good intentions towards anyone or anything outside ourselves. Having serious expectations that we have some sort of unconscious long distance power to change other people's behavior, on the other hand, inevitably begs the question of whether we may ever possibly corroborate with any degree of certainty the effectiveness of such alleged power.
For my part, I believe in constantly improving my physical, mental, moral and spiritual condition for my own good, and if by chance the Butterfly Effect theory is true and someone else on the other side of the planet ends up benefitting from any of it, well so be it.
*Please note that I've never belonged, not intend to belong in the future, to any association by that name.