
The House of Representatives to Trump: Stop Wagging the Dog
Varna, Bulgaria, January 10th, 2020

Remember the movie “Wag the Dog”? It was about a US President facing a sex scandal just a few weeks prior to reelection who decides to stage a war in Albania just to distract the public.

Curiously prophetic about real-life events, the movie was released just a few weeks before the media got hold of the news pertaining to Bill Clinton’s affair with Monica Lewinski, and the ensuing bombing of a Pharmaceuticals factory in Sudan staged by the Clinton administration.

As a result, now the assassination of the Iranian Maj. Gen. Qassim Suleimani by the Trump administration and the subsequent attack staged by the Iranians on some American military bases in Iraq, looks very suspiciously like the latest instance of wagging the dog.

Trump’s well-known vanity is obviously hurting for the Impeachment charges brought against him by the House of Representatives and he wouldn’t like anything else more than to have that issue vanish from the news cycles. What better means to achieve that goal than to generate a military conflict in the Middle East?

But many elected Democrats in the House are no longer onboard the ship of fools that took them for a long and disastrous ride in 2003 when Dick Cheney et al duped them all into falling for the WMD hoax. No. And neither are the mainstream media, except for the idol worshippers at Fox and other similar lunacy peddlers.

The House resolution passed with a 224-194 vote, mostly on partisan lines, which excludes the usual few pseudo-Democrats who usually cross the isle to the Republican side. Now the resolution will be sent to the Senate, where it will surely be declared dead on arrival in the hands of the Republican majority there.

But the message has already been sent and understood by all those Americans who still haven’t drank the poisonous anti-Democracy Kool-Aid that Trump serves them at every rally and that Fox News and its ilk disseminate on a daily basis.

And please note that the issue of assassinating Maj. Gen. Qassim Suleimani is not a point of discussion in these paragraphs. The least one can say about that guy’s death is “good riddance”. The timing of that assassination, on the other hand, opens a good set of questions about the coverup game Trump may be playing.

No more wagging the dog, Trump, you’re not fooling anyone other than those idol-worshippers of yours who already decided they want to be fooled by you.

Meanwhile... the beat goes on…

