
The Stakes Have Gloomily Risen for the Convicted Felon-Candidate.
Phu Quoc, Vietnam, September 8th, 2024.

Postponing the sentencing for the Republican candidate’s “Hush-Money” conviction till after the elections may look like yet another free gift from the part of the American Judicial System to the most amoral ex-President the United States has ever had, but there is a gloomy lining around that seemingly-favorable light.

To begin with, Juan Merchan’s decision, the Judge presiding over the case, didn’t happen in a void. He was basically cornered by both the defense lawyers and the prosecutor to delay the sentencing, so he set the date for November 26.

The defense lawyers’ petition for a delay was expected, as we all know that delay is the defense tactic of choice for the Republican convicted-candidate, but we also know that Judge Merchan was already predisposed to turn it down. What made Merchan opt for a delay was the fact that the office of Alvin Brag, the New York County District Attorney prosecuting the case, told him in writing that such delay would be OK for them.

Normally, prosecutors firmly insist that the case be brought to its legal conclusion by finally handing a sentencing on the agreed date, but not this time. Other than that, Judge Merchan DID NOT have a valid legal reason to postpone the sentencing. In short, his decision had obvious political motives.

This means that the sentence he has in mind is hard enough to expect a serious, even inflammatory reaction from the part of the fanatic, idol-worshipping Maga masses, both before and after November 5th. This applies particularly when, as I expect, the convicted-felon-candidate loses the election and he and all his idol-worshippers say that it was all a plot from the part of the Democrats and the “Deep State” to derail their Führer-Messiah’s candidacy.

Then they would falsely claim again that the election was stolen, thereby justifying another massive insurrection, this time probably even an armed one. Merchan’s decision, therefore, looks like an effort to defang as much as possible the highly-probable massive revolt that the Maga masses’ convicted- Führer’s defeat is expected to instigate.

Above all, however, what Merchan’s sentencing delay means is that the sentence he has already decided to pronounce will entail a well-deserved, relatively-short jailtime and a longer house arrest for the Republican convicted-felon-standard bearer. As for 2025, this will mean that Donald Trump will have to face the pending 3 criminal trials wearing an ankle bracelet under the supervision of a Community Control Officer.

Maybe then, and perhaps ONLY then, will America stand a chance to start healing from the serious damage that such noxious individual and his followers have inflicted on the Democratic and Judicial Systems of the United States.

Get the Motherf****r.

