Putting Ideology Before Country
Jiayuguan, Gansu Province, China, October 5th, 2013
And most Republicans still dare to claim to be the patriotic wing of American politics. Can you believe that? What an unfunny joke! Pigheaded ideologues of the worst narrow-minded kind America has ever known are now holding the country hostage to their senseless retrograde demands. Their aim? To curtail the most progressive healthcare reform the US has seen in many decades.
What do these republican lunatics have against Obamacare? Nothing but ideological hogwash, decorated with noticeable brushes of anti-black racism and pro-elite class warfare. We want to be free, said the unamerican loon Cruz recently during his comical filibuster on the Senate floor. Free? Free of what? Free to what? Free to be deprived of healthcare?
No, you stupid extremist Republicans. Not all legislations the US government proposes are meant to go against your paranoid archaic notions of America. Will you ever get it through your thick heads that anarchy is not freedom? Anarchy is plain and simple chaos. Without government looking after the welfare of the non-rich the US eventually ends up a country where a large number of the population is sick and poor. Is that the picture of America your blind ideological prejudice paints in your retrograde minds?
Poor Republicans, they’re the ideological Raggedy Anne of American politics. They no longer have a country to love, nor a nation to identify with. They just keep basking in a proto fascist concept of America that has existed only in the vilest of the country’s nightmares.
They hate the country America is becoming under the sheer weight of the ideals embedded in the constitution. They’re just incapable to cope with the idea of a multi-racial, multi-ideological America. They just keep clinging fast, as if clinging to dear life, to those years over a century ago when the term white supremacy hadn’t yet been coined, but ran rampant through the blood and minds of a good number of intolerant men who thought human rights were only given by their mockery of a god to a few privileged ones.
Republicans have lost their claim to be the party of real patriots (if they ever had a real claim to it). They have now become the party of selfish, narrow-minded, backward-looking, unamerican loons looking to perpetuate their jobs in congress through gerrymandering and whatever other pseudo-legal means they have at their disposal. And to hell with the rest of the country.
I have a proposal for Republicans of the Cruz-Boehner-McConnel kind, why don’t you all go buy an island somewhere in the South Pacific, the Philippines for example, pack your bags, charter a few 777s, emigrate en masse, and go found a nation of rightwing ideological imbeciles over there.
You might also want to consider bailing out of jail some of those Golden Dawn anti-democratic rightwing crazies from Greece and bring them along with you as students. I'm sure they could learn a lot from you about infiltrating the corridors of power in democratic countries to put them on the brink of financial chaos.
There are no two ways about this. The Republican Party has now openly become the party of shameful pigheaded unamerican fools. But what else could we have expected of any political party whose leadership falls under the spell of reality stultified anarchist dinosaurs of the Tea Party kind?
Shame on the unamerican Republican Party. Shame on the anti-American Tea Party. Shame on any American who hasn’t yet learned the difference between freedom and anarchy, as in remaining ignorant to that primal concept they are gullible to the rhetoric of Republican rightwing demagogue crazies a la Cruz.