Public Stoning American Style
Djibouti, March 04, 2012.
It doesn't get any worse than this. Or does it? When I read about Rush Limbaugh's outright insults to Sandra Fluke in the wide open American airwaves I immediately thought: "that's public stoning American style". Limbaugh openly called Fluke a "slut" and a "prostitute" because she supports passage of a new legislation that would entitle women to get contraceptives as part of their healthcare coverage. When I read that later Obama had called her to express his support, I said: "well, at least someone out there stands up for American civilization and decency".
Once again it has been made patently clear that Rush "Big Mouth" Limbaugh and his ilk on the loony right are the scourge of America. Those guys are out to debase public discourse to the lowest possible level. The only trouble is there's basically no lower level than the one we have already reached. Rush Limbaugh spews sludge over the microphone on a regular basis and the American people have been wallowing in it for some time now. Will they ever get fed up?
Sadly, the rabid, racist, misogynist right wing nuts still have the upper hand in American public discourse and senseless imbeciles like Perry and Newt carry the banner for them. Since when is a twenty-first century government who wants to pass legislation to keep unwanted pregnancies at the lowest possible level reprehensible? And since when is a woman who actively supports such legislation a "slut"?
And since when are American religious institutions supposed to be anti-women? Well, we know the answer to that question is "since always", but what I mean is, are they in this day and age still supposed to be as retrograde as ever? You bet they are.
Ultimately, Limbaugh and many of his fellow Republican loons would love to replace the constitution of the United States for a christian version of Sharia law. You think I'm exaggerating? Just check out some of the statements made by some christian groups who call themselves "Reconstructionists" and then tell me about it.
It's all plain lunacy.
But the truth is that none of those religious lunatics like Palin, Beck and the rest of the right nutwing are truly christians. Those guys are simply power-hungry megalomaniac tricksters out to make a big bundle trying to impose their will on everybody else using pseudo-religious, pseudo-moral ruses and machinations.
If we were to believe the Gospels, which I don't, Jesus was one of the humblest men that has ever existed. That's the guy who said you had to turn the other cheek, remember? Then, with all the otherworldly powers he was supposed to have, he let the government of the time spit on him, beat him up and ultimately crucify him. Do most American christians of today follow in the steps of their master? Not even in dreams.
What do many American christians of today do? They go around arrogantly claiming that their mythological book should basically be the law of the land. Yet, contrary to their purported leader, they don't stand for humbleness, or for the poor, or for the meek. No, they stand for arrogance, for the rich and for strident big-mouth guys like Beck, O'Reilly and Limbaugh.
Wasn't it Christ who said that it would be easier for a Camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to go into the kingdom of heaven? Ask many American "christians" what they think about that and watch how they squirrel away with senseless arguments.
The fact is many Republicans despise social progress. They're conservatives. They would love to revert any existing hierarchical order in American society back to who-knows-what archaic system concocted according to their nightmarish pseudo-christian vision of the world. "Got to keep women subjugated", they say, "and if ever any of them dares to raise their voice above the rest, like Sandra Fluke dared to do, got to insult her and humiliate her", in other words, "got to stone her in the public arena". That's the vision that Limbaugh and his ilk have for the women of America.
And the more the Gingriches and the Perries and the rest of the American right wing embrace such rotten philosophy, the more it will look like that's the vision the whole of the Republican Party has for the United States.
It increasingly seems that if today's GOP really had its way, the democratic America that we know would vanish and cede its place to a fully patriarchal, religious-authoritarian, one-party system where women would get stoned for wanting that their healthcare coverage included contraceptives.
That's what Rush Limbaugh, the high priest of American nonsense, seems to stand for, stoning women in the public arena for supporting government legislations that would keep unwanted pregnancies at the lowest possible level.
May god save America from such retrograde fate.