Obama Rising
Istanbul, Turkey, May 2, 2011
OK, so Obama is not such a wimp after all. He actually gets some things done, with a little help from the Navy SEALs : Together they sent Bin Laden back to paint testimonial pictures before his creator. May that lunatic criminal get his due in the netherworld.
Obama's speech at the White House Correspondent's Dinner also scored some political points in his favor, which means that his overall political capital is today much more substantial than it was just a week ago.
In all this, however, the salient point is the cool and relaxed demeanor Obama kept in the past few days, while the mastermind of the 9/11 crime was being stalked and about to be taken out.
To Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and to Obama what he has duly earned: Some respect from everyone, including a somewhat renewed trust from yours truly. Keep up the good work, sir, and you may eventually catch up with image of yourself you presented before us during the 2008 presidential campaign.