No Otherworldly Powers
Jiayuguan, Gansu Province, China, October 9th, 2013
It is not difficult to get seriously irritated at Congressional Republicans these days. Many people like me can no longer help but getting angry at their present irrational stance. And the irrationality I’m talking about is from the perspective of plain American individuals, not from that of Republican partisans.
Sure, for individuals like Cruz or Boehner, defunding the government looks perfectly rational as far as their own personal status is concerned. Cruz, for example, is now a very famous guy whose perverted ideas are often mentioned and discussed in all US networks and beyond. Sure, among his circle of friends he now probably shines like a movie star or something. And sure, should he decide to quit his present job, Fox News would offer him a very lucrative contract.
But what about the US? What about the harm the Republicans’ irresponsible, divisive and pernicious rhetoric and reckless political extortions may inflict on the country’s future? Sometimes Republicans sound like they really believe no domestic or foreign policy mistake America may make will ever bring her down from her dwindling No. 1 position in the world. But in the eyes of many of us, particularly those of us who have lived overseas for a few years, such belief sounds like sheer blind patriotic arrogance.
No, Republican ladies and gentlemen, America did not land on Earth from planet Krypton. America’s strength has never emanated from any otherworldly powers, but from its ability to pull ahead together as a united country. Take away the “United” part in United States and the country’s greatness is no more.
The time to have diversity of ideas is always, and the time to have divisive ideological disputes is seldom, but the time to have destructive ideological confrontations that threaten the integrity of the country is never. Country first and ideology second, but only if the latter furthers the cause of the former. To pursue anarchy as rabidly as many TPers presently do is plain and simple suicidal madness.
If America had really come from an allegorical planet Krypton as the present Republican leadership seems to think, this would be the right time to tell her "wake up Super America; the Kryptonite that may finally precipitate your demise is already lurking within the ranks of the Republican Party. There linger the irrational destructive wishes of too many pseudo-patriot TPers that no longer love you, America. Those lunatics just want to get rid of your democratic form of government and put a self-serving form of anarchy in its place".
Americans, beware the America-haters of the Republican extreme wing, for, if you let them, they will ruin your country.