
Nazism American Style
Yangon, Myanmar, June 20th, 2015

The year 2015 has made it abundantly clear that the hearts and minds of a good number of Americans were not won as a result of the Northern forces win over the Southern ones over 150 years ago. Racial hatred is still alive and well in America, and consistently gaining ground as we speak.

Racial and cultural intolerance among white Americans is quite palpable in the general affairs of the nation, and when that intolerance is fed on a daily basis by the general discourse permeating the conversation in white-only social circles across the country, the result is the racial terrorism constantly inflicted on black Americans from the part of many members of the police forces and other white-supremacist lunatics.

Because of the racist environment they grew up in, white supremacists of the mild and the blatant kind can obviously not conceive of an American reality where black Americans can get to sit behind the presidential desk at the Oval Office. “You’re taking over our country”, the terrorist Dylann Roof said before slaughtering nine black Americans at a church in Charleston, South Carolina, this past Wednesday the 17th, thereby providing us with another clear example of the paranoid besieged mentality afflicting many white Americans today.

Police officers across the country show the same weakness of mind when declaring they shoot unarmed black people simply because they “fear for their lives” when being in the presence of unknown black men in the middle of the night.
“Don’t you ever dare to think you’re my equal”. That is the bottom-line message in Dylann Roof’s terrorist rampage. “Don’t ever dare to think you’re equal to any white folks”. That is the bottom-line message behind every killing of unarmed black people at the hands of white police officers. “The confederacy lives!” chant southern white supremacists every time a black American is slaughtered in such craven way.

Dylann Roof is only one among millions of other white supremacist loons that exist in the country today. The only difference between Dylann and the rest is the deranged willingness of the latter to take matters into his hands to cast into the real world the utterly twisted beliefs that had obviously been obsessing his overheated mind for some time. Dylann is the standard bearer, while other white Americans just sit at the table with their friends to deride with scorn the way African Americans feel “victimized” by the demeaning social circumstances black communities face on a daily basis. “Self-victimization” they call it, and they laugh about it.

But what else could we expect from a nation that after over 150 years of struggle for racial equality still allows the symbols of racial hatred to fly over the Capitols of some southern states? What does the confederate flag represent today if not support for the idea that black people belong in slavery? And what kind of tolerance for ethnic differences can we expect from the children of those criminal bigots when they are constantly exposed to the racial contempt their white-supremacist parents glorify in the form of the confederate flag?

We have to accept it. Dylann Roof is a product of the environment he grew up in, and that environment just happens to be the American society. White America still reigns over the affairs of the greatest sectors of the nation and that is precisely the crux of the matter, as that majoritarian portion of the country still refuses to accept responsibility for the past actions of their ancestors and refuses to reckon with the abuses of the present, particularly the devastating influence their social blindness has on their children and on the future of the country as far as the possibility for someday attaining to a harmonious, ethnically-diverse society is concerned.

There are thousands of American children that, as we speak, are being bred to become racial bigots, and there is a good number among them that are already poised to go down as the next Dylann Roofs in the annals of the country. America is today a country plagued by one of the ugliest forms of racist intolerance among Western nations, thereby failing to become the mythical promised land where ideally all dreams can come true.

As the situation stands today, America keeps revealing itself as the land of disillusionment where millions of US-born people of different ethnicities keep hitting the wall of bigotry erected against them by the dominant white-supremacist elites sitting at the helm of many conservative movements, some of which can even exert considerable infuence over the conservative majority of the Supreme Court. But how can we expect that situation to change for the better when those Americans of the tolerant liberal persuasion don’t stand up in a meaningful manner against those of the white supremacist sort?

On the whole, the American society is turning out to be largely a racist one, and nobody but the American people can do anything to change that. This is the right time for Americans of all walks of life and incomes, and of all religious or political persuasion to seriously ask themselves whether they are racist or not, whether they are intolerant ethnic bigots or not, so that should the answer to that question be in the negative they may opt not to allow any hidden or evident levels of racial prejudice in their lives, as only when each and every American of good conscience decides to stand up against such archaic nonsense will the country start to mend the interracial intolerance that keeps tearing the American social fabric apart.

