
Like a Freight Train running over a Stupid Cow Standing in the middle of the Railway
Beijing, China, February 17, 2018

Just a short comment celebrating the good news that Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller's investigation continues to bear fruit.

The charges he has filed against 13 Russian operatives show in detail how those individuals and their organization, all under the direction of V. Putin, have been for years infiltrating the political discourse of the country with the intention to manipulate the American psyche with the ultimate purpose of undermining American democracy.

What better way to achieve such nefarious purpose than to promote the election of a proto-fascist amoral narcissist to the presidency of the country?

Please note the clever methodology Mueller is applying: First, demonstrate that the Russian intervention in the presidential elections of 2016 is a fact, second, demonstrate that such intervention was, at least partially, coordinated with some Americans who worked in Trump's presidential campaign, third, to demonstrate how the now-president of the US has always been fully aware of that coordination and, fourth, to demonstrate that the latter is the clear and overwhelming reason why the "president" has committed Obstruction of Justice.

To the true American patriots, that is, not to most of those proto-fascist nationalist Trumpist FoxNewsers, I say: patience, the time is getting closer by the day in which Robert Mueller’s Freight Train (Train of Charges) will run over that stupid Trump cow standing in the middle of the railroad of legality.

