
Identity Card
St. Etienne, France, July 16, 2011

Salaroche is an American citizen, but he's neither a Capitalist nor an Imperialist, he's a French citizen, but he's neither a Socialist nor a Chauvinist. He's a Salvadoran citizen, but he doesn't have the idiosyncrasies typical of that country; he's a Nicaraguan citizen too, but he's never lived there for more than a year.

As of today, the totality of Salaroche's possessions comes down to a few Euros in his pocket, two pairs of eyeglasses, a bag of clothes, one pair of shoes, a Laptop, an acoustic guitar, a portable digital recorder, and a few other small electronic gadgets.

Within the American political spectrum, Salaroche is a Democrat, but only because there is no other viable political party embracing more egalitarian policies. Within the French political spectrum, Salaroche is a Social-Democrat, but with a few reservations regarding the abuses inflicted in France on social services like unemployment benefits and others.

In a general sense, Salaroche is: Pro-Democracy, Pro-separation of state and religion, Pro-freedom of expression, Pro-freedom of movement, Pro-universal access to medical services, Pro-equal opportunity of access to education, Pro-equal opportunity to realize the personal financial dreams, Pro-an incremental harmony between the different social classes based on a fundamental respect to human dignity, Pro-equal civil rights between the races, Pro-equal civil rights between the sexes, Pro-equal civil rights between heterosexual women and men and homosexual women and men, Pro-respect for the dignity and wellbeing of children and old people, Pro-respect and consideration for people with physical and/or mental disabilities, Pro-avoiding as much as possible all cruelty against animals, particularly against those animals that serve us as food, Pro-a reasonable and incremental equilibrium between industrial production in general and protection of the environment in general.

Salaroche is not an extremist. Salaroche has a strong tendency to embrace the middle way of moderation. Salaroche is not, in any sense, a perfect individual. As a human being, Salaroche suffers from an amount of deficiencies and limitations quite similar to those that afflict the reality that he perceives.

As a human being, Salaroche exists only because the possibilities of existence given within the parameters of this world allow it and because, to begin with, the creative force behind those parameters comprehends all the possible concepts of life that exist, have existed, and will ever exist.

In other words, in this world Salaroche is only a possibility, an existential vessel adrift.

As a Transcendental being, however, and just as any other living being, Salaroche's essence shares with the essence of the reality that surrounds him the same fundamental identity whence springs the existence of anything that anyone may ever perceive or conceive within the material, mental or spiritual worlds.

Salaroche belongs everywhere he goes, but at the same time he doesn't belong anywhere. The Essence of Salaroche isn't here, nor there, IT simply IS...
