
I Voted for Biden and Would Vote for Mickey Mouse if He Were the Democratic Nominee
Parikia, Paros Island, Greece, March 4th, 2020

Have you seen Fantasia? According to that animated story, Mickey Mouse is actually a decent fictional rodent. He is not perfect and he makes mistakes, like when he mishandled the magical powers conferred on him by the sorcerer’s hat. But in the long run he was conscientious enough to repent for his abuse of power and felt ashamed for his folly.

Have you ever seen Donald Trump doing any of that? No way. That Trump guy is a deeply corrupt individual, so engrossed in self-admiration and self-interest that whatever few bits and pieces of love he might still feel for the Democratic System of the United States are probably the least important sentiment in his foul mind.

It is regrettable enough to still have in place such glaringly flawed electoral college undemocratic system that nullifies millions of legitimate votes and confers the duties of the presidency to such an unprincipled individual, but much more regrettable still is the fact that millions of Americans don’t give a single hoot about the continuing narcissistic, proto-dictatorial behavior of their corrupt president and aggressively profess an unconditional idolatry to him.

If Mickey Mouse were the presidential candidate for the Democratic Party in November, I would vote for him a thousand times over that humanoid Trump. Actually, I would even be quite happy to choose Bugs Bunny over that loudmouth bully. You know what I mean.

I would vote for anyone who might stand a chance of sending that shameless, thuggish, orange creature out to graze in the lawns of Mar a Lago for the rest of his days. And, please, let that would-be despot take his entire, shady, barefaced family along with him, particularly his older offspring, who seem to be equally rotten down to a very deep internal level, sheer exponent examples of “like father like son”.

As some of you may know, I am a Democrat only by default, as that party is the only viable alternative we have against the Republicans and at this point Biden seems to be the Democrat’s best choice, so yesterday I sent my absentee ballot choosing him as the nominee. I already got an automatic email response telling me the Democrats Abroad team received it.

A fleeting thought of choosing Sanders did cross my mind, but he has been going around praising Fidel Castro for his policies on education and other similar things, which is a very stupid thing to do and a strong disqualifier in the eyes of many millions of Americans, so I quickly forgot about it.

Sanders is in a tight spot, as the whole Democratic establishment seems to be ganging up against him so, overall, I would say there is no way he would survive the nasty Republican attacks he would be the object of if he were the nominee.

Bloomberg’s Super Tuesday performance does not clearly show whether the hundreds of millions of dollars he has thus far invested in his campaign have been worth it. Could he still turn out to be a strong opponent to Trump when the primaries are over? Nobody knows for sure. As a fallback position, though, I would suggest he start planning on coordinating his partial financing of the presidential campaign of whoever ends up being the nominee.

In all frankness, at this point in time I couldn’t care less whether the name of the Democratic candidate ends up being Mike, Joe, Bernie or Elizabeth. In my view, none of those guys can turn out to be as harmful to the country as the present anti-Democracy anti-Republic moron in chief has, so I will most certainly vote for whoever the nominee is.

Realistically speaking, though, none of them looks formidable enough to beat Trump in November, so, the one thing that remains to be said is: Good luck America! You are going to need lots of it over the next few years.

…and the beat goes on…

