
Hey Trump! You Bully! There’s Freedom of Speech in America!
Tiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu, India, November 21st, 2016

The nerve! The hypocrisy! The shamelessness! Of all the insulting loud-mouthed public abusers in the world, Donald Trump wants the cast of “Hamilton” to apologize for petitioning the Vice-President-Elect in public. Then he wants to censor SNL for staging satirical skits deriding him on TV… Excuse me?

Hey you moron! The same freedom of speech that allowed you to mock, belittle and insult in public all kinds of people left and right during the campaign is the same freedom of speech that will allow anyone in the US to petition and, yes!, ultimately harass and mock you and your administration for the next four years.

That’s the state of affairs in store for you, you inveterate narcissistic egomaniac madcap! If you don’t like freedom of speech American style you better move to Russia or China or, ultimately, to North Korea, where some of your role models disappear anyone that dares to speak up against them.

Be extremely vigilant, America! A US President seriously bent on authoritarian rule combined with a majority of yes-men in Congress can only spell ominous threats to free speech and freedom of the press in the United States.

Hey Donald Trump! You moron! There’s Freedom of Speech in America! And you better watch what you do because this is just the beginning and a barrage of popular disapproval is coming your way should you fail to toe the democratic line (is this guy the next Nixon?)

