Hey Hill, maybe I miss you already.
Hanoi, Vietnam, February 8, 2010
Those were the days: Late October, early November 2008. Spirits ran high and hope was the word. A dream come true: The black in the white. America’s favorite black man in the White House. Who’d have thought that could happen? Only dreamers who really dared to dream; and a very good majority of us dared to dream.
This could only happen in America.
But the fundamental things apply as time goes by, and one year after the election the black man’s promises have turned into a… a what? A squirm? A whimper? Barack, the great speaker, a much, much better communicator than the great communicator of the 80s, was he just uttering a continuous litany of empty words?
I voted for the guy and I even got moisture in my eyes back there in Malta in January of 2009 watching him take the Oath of Office on TV. Well…, actually, the moisture evaporated rather quickly when Judge Roberts screwed the whole thing up a bit; but still, it was a great moment for the great majority of the people of the world.
And now? Now I’m beginning to miss Hill. Hey Hill baby, a year or two down the line maybe you should start thinking of trying that political move again. Particularly if our man doesn’t show any signs of life at the Oval Office in the interim.
Yeah, the country was a mess when Barack took over from the exiting Moron in Chief, and at least by now we’re nowhere near the economic mess that, say, Greece is in. But Barack’s promises aren’t yet anywhere near completion and it looks like they won’t get there anytime soon either, if they ever do.
So, hey Hill, how’re you feeling these days? Any stamina left in you? Haven’t seen you in the headlines for some time, are you still up to the task? I certainly hope so, ‘cause the country needs someone with balls at the Oval Office and, no offence intended, but the man sitting there at the moment seems to have difficulty finding his.
Maybe some ovaries would do a better trick.
Hey Hill, maybe I miss you already.