Hey Democrats! Get Over it! Stop Mopping! Bite the Bullet! Wake Up to Reality!
Nha Trang, Vietnam, December 2nd, 2024.
So, Trump won the election and he will be the President of the United States for the next four years. And he won a 100% legitimate democratic election. Both the popular vote AND the Electoral College vote! Fair and square!
So, what are you Democrats going to do now!? Cry about it for the rest of your days? Are you going to lock yourselves up in your room, stop reading the news, and don’t allow the light of reality inside? For how long are you going to hide your head in the sand?
What’s the matter with you guys!? Can’t you finally get it through your sorry heads!? Yes, Trump won, but life goes on and the United States is still in one piece, at least for the moment.
There is a real, ominous sociopolitical storm coming and this is NO longer the time for sobbing and weeping, so you better open your eyes wide, look at the approaching authoritarian beast straight in the face, and give it a couple of long middle fingers!
A hard and long battle is coming and the wind is not blowing in our favor, so you better get back on your feet ASAP and start getting ready for it. Face the damn music!! Realize that the Democratic Party has lost its appeal to its “traditional” constituencies: those large sections of the American working, middle, and lower classes along with large numbers among most ethnic minority groups.
The Democratic Party was supposed to stand for the interests of the masses, but for decades it has been trying to play it both ways, on the one hand catering to the financial elites while on the other throwing breadcrumbs to the American majorities.
You cannot pretend to serve two masters and not expect to have one of them eventually unmask your game and turn against you, which is precisely what the American electorate did in rejecting the Democratic platform on November 5th.
“Oh, it’s so depressing to talk about it”, that’s what a bunch of pitiful Democrat cry-babies tell me when I ask them to look at reality straight in the eye. C’mon you ninnies!! Tighten up your belts! Stop mopping! Is this the way you usually face adversity? Crying!? Boo-hoo-hoo! Poor little Democrats! Is that what you want us all to say?
This is NO time for crying. This is the time to pull yourselves up by your own bootstraps. Bite the bullet! Wake up to reality! There’s way too much to be done before we sleep.