
Gun Up, Rational Americans, or Trumpers will Wreck for Good the US as We Know it
Parikia, Paros Island, Greece, May 17th, 2020

This is not a call for an armed civil war, but for a civil war nonetheless. Actually, what else do you think has been going on in the United States since 2016? The gap between Trump’s idol-worshippers and the rest of us only keeps getting wider and deeper, as there is no common ground between blind, delusional idolatry and reason.

If you are still harboring hopes that any kind of understanding can someday be reached between those delirious Trumpers and those of us who look for rationality in government and civility in society, think again for, if you do, you are either dreaming or very highly confused. There is no other way out of this predicament but to hit those Trumpers very hard exactly where it hurts the most: At the ballot box.

And if you’re thinking voting this coming November is not worth it because Biden is not Bernie Sanders or because Biden is just another establishment candidate or worse, seriously consider that some similar thoughts kept thousands of voters from voting for Hillary in 2016, and just look at the resulting disastrous situation the country is in at the moment.

But don’t get carried away with illusions either. Beating Trump in November wouldn’t bring back stability to the nation. Trump’s defeat would only mark the beginning of a new racist, hate-laden, resentment-filled barrage of disinformation spewed on a daily basis out of FOX News and its America-hating, proto-fascist rightwing media ilk.

And don’t expect anything to go back to any pre-Covid-19 status either. No doubt the country will be in a much better situation whenever Trump is gone, be it in November or in 2024, but, whatever the case, the impetus the American rightwing media has thus far gathered will in no way disappear overnight, particularly considering the 49% approval rating the so-called “President” continues to enjoy among Americans, a majority of whom are probably quite drunk with delusion, wallowing in the mire of Fox News disinformation.

Actually, expect the post-Trump United States to suffer from a rabid second wave of contamination from the Trump camp, most likely with Trump himself haranguing his idol-worshippers from a loud perch anchored in Fox News and elsewhere, hurling insults at anyone he dislikes and feeding all kinds of divisive conspiracy theories to his adepts across the nation.

And if Biden were to win in November and, as president, were to try to implement most of the necessary policies designed to protect Americans from any further crisis of the Covid-19 type, moving to put in place a national healthcare system that covers all the basic health needs of every single citizen, and seeing that providing basic unemployment benefits becomes just another essential function of the federal government, don’t expect anything less than a Joe McCarthy-style witch hunt from the part of the Republicans against those “socialist or communist Democrat liberals”. You know, the typical conservative, fearmongering, American-style class warfare.

In a few words, gun up, rational Americans. There are forces taking root deep within your midst whose intent is no less than to undermine as much as possible the foundations of your democratic system and to break as much as possible the pillars of your Republic. In other words, it is high time to show the Republicans once and for all that NOT all Americans have lost their moral compass as much as they have.

"Out of the crooked timber of humanity, no straight thing was ever made," said Immanuel Kant someday, sometime ago, and no doubt he hit the nail in the head when he said so. But some of us still think that the US remains, at the heart, mostly a force for good in the world, regardless of how hard the domestic forces of backward irrationality try to pull it down into the mud.

In spite of all the shortcomings existing in the United States, some of us never lose sight of a certain light at the end of the tunnel (and always hope that light is not a loaded freight train coming towards us)

Please take good care of yourselves.

