From Laughs to Astonishment.
Phnom Penh, Cambodia, August 13th, 2014.
The first time I saw the TV series Mork and Mindy in early 1979 I was totally blown away. When I first saw Mork, that dynamo of a character, interacting onscreen with Mindy or anyone else, I just couldn’t understand where all that human energy could have been coming from.
“This guy is absolutely nuts”, I thought, but in so saying I also knew he was one of those “nuts” who made it clear in every episode that genius can hardly ever coexist with conventionalism. Mork was an incredibly unique character, and so seems to have been Robin Williams.
There’s not much that I could say here that hasn’t already been said in the different obituaries published all over the media, so I wouldn’t even try to upstage any of them. Suffice it to say that I always enjoyed watching Robin’s performances and that, even though the final end he inflicted on himself seemed more than a bit out of character to many people, a good number of us still hold many very good memories of the guy.
Thank you for the good times, Robin, and may you find in your new abode the mental peace and emotional stability that seem to have eluded you in this world.