Endorsing the British Endorsement
Sihanoukville, Cambodia, October 15th, 2014
On October 13th, the British House of Commons cast a nonbinding vote (274 to 12) to grant diplomatic recognition to the State of Palestine, thereby striking a considerable, although merely symbolic, blow to Israel’s policy toward their neighbors. As expected, however, Prime Minister Cameron remains unmoved in his support for the so-called Two-State solution, which after years of being pursued by the US and the UK is yet to produce any results.
Actually, it is perfectly fair to say that such policy has thus far been a total failure. Israel keeps stealing land from Palestine under the acquiescent eyes of the International community and every time the Palestinians get fed up with it Israel retaliates with overwhelming force.
Does that look like a real peace process to you? To me, and to the British House of Commons, there’s no peace and there’s no process there. It all looks like a lopsided pro-Israel situation where the Jewish state does as it pleases while Palestine is basically relegated to a position of by-stander, with no legal option but to watch as its territories continue to be stolen.
In the view of many of us, Israel’s attitude vis a vis Palestine is self-demeaning and it desecrates the memory of the millions of innocent Jews who perished in the pogroms, wherever they may have occurred. How can a nation that has suffered so much abuse and injustice turn around and inflict their own brand of abuse and injustice on their neighbors? Definitely, there’s a lesson in all of this that the Jewish people haven’t learned.
No, Israel, you have to come to your senses sooner than later. Drop your arrogant attitude while you still get plenty of empathy from a shrinking number of guys like me, lest you finally burn the last candles the world is holding for you and you find yourself unwanted again wherever you look; this time for very well-deserved reasons.
- To read a 2011 article on the same sibject, please click on the link below: