
The Increasing Divisions in the Court of King Trump.
Nha Trang, Vietnam, January 13th, 2025.

There already are visible, divisive internecine squabbles in the court of the first King of the United States. Even before he is crowned as the first ever absolute ruler of the Kingdom of America, the courtiers are already vying hard for the graces of the king. Who will be the king’s favorite king-whisperer? Who will be the king’s chosen protégé in the court of Washington DC?

Jealousy, intrigues, and enmities are already flaring among and between the new ruler’s top courtiers. But such divisions don’t in the least bother the convicted-criminal, sexual-abuser, insurrectionist king, as it is all just part of his well-known Modus Operandi.

The dictum “divide and conquer” seems to have always been the new king’s favorite strategy to come out on top of it all, strengthening his absolute power over his sycophantic underlings and, by extension, strengthening his undisputable rule over the entirety of his new-found kingdom.

Elon Musk, the new-king’s current favorite advisor, is seen by many as an outsider. Musk is an immigrant from the country of South Africa, a country whose people have recently been labeled by Steve Bannon, a powerful Maga leader, as “the most racist people on earth” (see bottom link).

If influential Maga leaders of such high caliber are so vocal about the differences between them and other also-influential fellow coreligionaries, picture the level of intrigues and machinations that must already prevail among the lesser minions of the king’s court.

But the new administration’s chaos that such divisions promise, does not predict the downfall of the new Kingdom of America. Instead, it almost ensures something perhaps even much worse, an incoming, uncontrollable Tsunami of confusion, disinformation, and corruption never experienced before in the history of the United States and recorded in World history perhaps only oround the time of the fall of the Roman Empire.

Am I exaggerating? Well, I don’t know about you, but I am NOT going to be as naïve as to expect anything good for America coming from an administration whose president is a convicted-criminal, sexual-offender, insurrectionist, authoritarian, neo-Fascist, demagogue fraudster.

And if the consequences of whatever divisions may already be appearing in the court of King Trump won’t very likely diminish his power, the chaos that will prevail in his administration will serve as a very effective smoke-screen to hide the billions, if not trillions of dollars that will be funneled annually directly from the American National coffers straight into the bank accounts of all those Maga billionaire sycophants, their henchmen, and other such minions.

Still, regardless of the intensity of the conviction with which I disagree with all that King Trump may stand for, I have no choice but to hand it to him on one very important count. He has indeed managed to instill in his disciples, sycophants, and adepts such deep levels of fear that he has become the living example of one of Nicolo Machiavelli’s main advice to rulers: “it is better to be feared than loved” (see here).

To read an article that elaborates on the subject of the internal divisions in King Trump’s Court, please click here.

