
The GOP Plot: To Desensitize the Masses and Delegitimize the US Government.
Siem Reap, Cambodia, June 17th, 2024.

Unprecedented, disturbing, outrageous, unprincipled, amoral, those were terms used very rarely and only on extraordinary occasions when referring to the conduct of American individuals holding the highest positions of power. But that was back then. Today, such terminology, along with the terms Fascism, dictatorship, autocracy, and authoritarianism, are part of the common American political parlance.

The United States is currently entangled in a seemingly-unstoppable downward spiral toward the bottom of amorality. And such descent is not only perceptible in the general national political discourse, but also in the behavior of those Republican functionaries who no longer show any contrition, remorse, or shame when deliberately trampling on the codes of conduct traditionally expected from them.

Just think of Supreme Court Justices Thomas and Alito, or Florida Judge Eileen Cannon, or Republican Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, or Republican minority leader Mitch McConnell, or any of those Republican Senators like Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio, all of them either taking bribes from right-wing billionaires (Thomas) flying seditionist flags in their front yards (Alito), or just shamelessly debasing themselves bowing-down to their convicted-felon leader (all the others).

Desensitizing exposure to amoral unprincipled behavior and normalizing outrage. That’s the Republicans’ name of the game. There are no longer any moral principles guiding their professional conduct. How can anyone establish any rational, constructive dialogue with them when they no longer care about the Constitution, the Rule of Law, Democratic principles, or even common decency?

The Republicans are no longer looking for solutions to any of the problems plaguing the nation today. Abortion, immigration, inflation, those are just cudgels they use to bash the Democrats and by extension the whole American system of government. The real aim of the Republican Party is to demolish the whole governmental apparatus so that they can build a dictatorship on top of the ruins of our Democracy.

What we have in the United States today is the gradual desensitizing of the masses to the Republicans’ outrageous conduct and the gradual delegitimizing of the American Judicial and Democratic Systems so that, eventually, the sole, loud voice of authority audible in the land may be that of a strong authoritarian leader, preferably that of Donald Trump.

As we speak, the American pro-Authoritarian cabals keep spreading their anti-Democracy venom through all those deranged, subversive channels of extreme-right-wing propaganda like Fox News, OAN, Newsmax and others. Sadly, however, aside from voting anti-Republican in all possible elections, there’s not much else you and I can do about it. So, let’s please make the best possible use of our Democracy while we still have it.
By the way, before I go, I have a kind suggestion for you: Please don’t get angry in the presence of any outrageous speeches or conduct by any MAGA Republicans. Don't show any contempt for them either. Just say goodbye and calmly walk away from them. Come November 5th, however, please make sure you vote anti-Republican, as there’s where we can still make a difference.
