Congratulations America.
Subang, Selangor, Malaysia, April 26, 2013.
What are these congratulations all about? You might ask. The Boston Marathon Bombing is still reeling on American minds just a few days into its aftermath, the unemployment rate is still mired at the 7.something percent, and the general American morale is nowhere near its highest point ever either.
So, what am I “happy” about? What am I congratulating America for? Well, along the lines of the “count your blessings” saying, we could all cheer up because G. W. Bush just inaugurated his Presidential Library. “What?!” you might ask again, “are you rooting for Bush now!?” No way! Not in a billion years.
But inaugurating your Presidential Library means you’re no longer the President of the United States, and that’s the reason I’m congratulating America for: TGBINLPOTUS!!! Thank God Bush Is No Longer President Of The United States!
Aren’t you glad that the most incompetent, self-righteous, unintelligent and amoral president the US has ever had, probably across the span of over 200 years since its inception, is no longer at the helm of the country?
Aren’t you happy that the country is no longer under the shameful proto-fascist state of national affairs outlined by Press Secretary Ari Fleischer when, on September 26, 2001, he publicly admonished "all Americans that they need to watch what they say, watch what they do"?
Aren’t you at least consoled that those awful 8 years are behind us and that America now stands a chance to become the relatively well-respected country it used to be before that fateful day, November 9, 2000, when a Supreme Court decision handed the US Presidency to an individual who was later to drag American moral standing through the mud? (WMD hoax, renditions, torture, etc.)
Yes, Bush might have done some good in helping erradicate Aids from the African continent and, yes, he might have tried to do some good regarding US immigration policy, after all, even flowers are known to bloom from compost, but when you put his good and bad deeds on the balance, what's the outcome? Sorry folks, but the outcome is not very flattering for the ex-incompetent-in-chief.
In any case, aren’t you glad those days are over? Aren’t you glad that America now has a good chance to heal its wounds and present the world with a relatively decent image of itself again?
So, allow me to say it one more time: Congratulations America! For G. W. Bush no longer has the power to damage your reputation anymore! (He bequeathed that endeavor to Wall Street and the Banking system)
May you be well.