
Clowns to the Left of Us, Jokers to the Right…Stuck in the Middle with these Democrats
Parikia, Paros Island, Greece, February 20th, 2020.

Hey Mike Bloomberg, you went to your first debate in Nevada not expecting to have the other Democratic candidates grill you with the obvious questions!? You went there with no sound, clear defense for your stop-and-frisk policy!? You didn’t go there armed with any decisive explanation for the non-disclosure agreements you have with some of your employees!? Have you been asleep over the past few months!? What kind of bad weed have you been smoking!?

You had all the time in the world to prepare for the Nevada debate and yet you performed so poorly? You have all the money in the world to hire the best debate advisors and yet Warren and the others caught you off guard with the most obvious of questions? Are you nuts!? Are you going senile already?

You show up at a debate with Trump similarly unprepared and that loud-mouthed bully is going to wipe the floor with you many times over. What planet have you been living on? Wake up, you fool! Either that or just get out of the race!

Frankly, can anyone tell us what is the matter with all these non-Republican people? What kind of silly mental games are they playing with themselves? If we get four more years of Trump it will be largely thanks to those unrealistic, unprepared Democrats who are not up to the urgent task of salvaging the country from the dire straits the Republicans are setting it on.

Hey Mike Bloomberg! Either you wake up to the reality of the circumstances, or get out of the race!

