Class Warfare
Shinshen, China, September 13, 2011
Are Republicans too block-headed to see beyond their own class interests? Probably yes. It seems that they're unable to see America as a single country and just see it as cow the upper classes can freely milk forever. Many Republicans seem to have forgotten what the United States of America is all about. It's about unity of states and unity of purpose. America is greatest when it is united, not when it is divided between the increasingly poor and the increasingly rich.
You give tax breaks to the rich and they just put the money in their pockets, they don't hurry up to open new businesses down the street, nor do they hire new employees for their already wealthy companies nor, god forbid, lend it. You don't believe me? Just look at what JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, and Morgan Stanley have done with the billions of dollars the FED gave them in the recent QE schemes: Nothing. They just keep giving millions of dollars in bonuses to each other and the economy is still in the doldrums.
Trickle down economics is a myth. You give money to the rich and you're just making them richer. If you want to use tax money to spur the economy and generate employment, have the government put people to work in building new roads, bridges and schools and repairing the existing ones, or have the government put in place programs to sponsor small and medium-size businesses based on competitive ideas and competitive credentials.
Otherwise, give tax breaks to the rich, but with strings attached. Tell them: "we will give you tax breaks but we want to see you investing an equal amount of money in new businesses, new equipment and new hires, otherwise you won't get the same tax breaks next year".
The way things are right now looks increasingly like outright Class Warfare on the American Middle and Poor classes. In letting himself be bullied by the Republicans, Obama has become one of them. Obama now looks like a moderate Republican more than whatever kind of Democrat we might have thought he ever was.
Wake up Obama. Reelection is not worth it selling your soul to the Republicans.
Stop the Republican Class Warfare on the majority of the American People. Stop giving tax breaks to the rich and either give them to the middle and lower classes or use the money for nation-wide public works.