Shanqin Bay, Hainan Island, China, February 15, 2013.
Living is an endeavor nobody can forgo as long as we still have days left to walk upon this earth. Even when someone intentionally bails out of this world, as long as they were alive they had no other choice but to live. And as long as we’re alive there are some things that, by nature, each of us is called to do.
Confusing perceptions may arise when someone asserts to have attained something and then acts in ways that to us don’t seem to correspond to the received notion of what their basic performance should be.
To avoid any such confusion, I feel I should make it very clear that the primary purpose of this website is to attest once again to the veracity of the practice of the discipline of Jnana Yoga.
I may once in a while write commentaries, record songs, or take pictures that later I upload to this website, but those are the things that, given my present circumstances, I am, by nature, instinctively called to do. In my view, however, none of it has the least relevance when it comes to my ultimate destiny, as I am perfectly aware that, once I go through the gate waiting for me at the end of my journey, none of it will matter.
The way I see it, living is just a way to pass the time as we wait to be called again back to our original abode, which is like saying that, once we know what we’re here in this world for, everything we do feels like performing a part in a play whose ending is our genuine aim.
This, of course, doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy doing what I do. Part of playing the part assigned to us in the theater of life is to play our part the best we can. In other words, if the script calls for me to sing a song, I sing it the best I can and if it calls for me to have a glass of wine with a friend, I enjoy the moment as much as I can as well.
I want to go beyond the end-gate and I want to stay there for good, but before I do so I would also like to try sharing my transcendental findings with as many people as I can and, perhaps as a way to oil the wheels of the vehicle that’s getting us there, I would also like to share some of those things that, by nature, I am called to do.
Please be aware, therefore, that any of the small talents I may display through whatever art and abilities are expressed in this website are just a way to burn time in the most creative way available to me, but that none of it is an end in itself. All of it is done by way of entertainment and as a means to lighten up the waiting period before taking our final leave of absence. As far as the writings in the "Writings" section of this Website are concerned, however, that is another question.
Thank you for your attention and may you be well.