Be Extremely Vigilant, America!
Tiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu, India, November 15th, 2016.
Attention ladies and gentlemen of the United States, the neo-fascist ball has already started rolling on American soil. Stephen Bannon has just been appointed Chief Strategist and Senior Counselor to Donald Trump. And this is just the beginning.
No, America, there’s no turning back to the age of complacency. Those days are over. This is no time for Democrats, Independents, and America-loving Republicans to just roll over and play dead.
Donald Trump does not have a mandate and don’t let anybody tell you otherwise. He lost the popular vote for well over 600,000 votes. Republicans don't have a mandate in the next administration. Democrats in Congress and across the nation cannot allow those guys to wreck the country with their madness.
There has to be a way to force those Congressional neo-fascist lunatics to come to the table and negotiate. Congressional Democrats should not play nice to those guys. They should be totally ready to disrupt the functions of government and bring it to a screeching halt if necessary. We all know Republicans wouldn’t hesitate to do it. They have already done it in the past.
And if a year or two from now neo-Fascism had proved to be unstoppable in America, if the Republicans had by then proved to have deserted the American ideals of democracy and equality and had embraced a neo-Fascist irrational Trump cult of personality along with a host of racist and misogynist policies, well… let’s break the country in two. America is deeply divided ideologically already, so let’s break it up geographically once and for all if necessary.
In case you didn’t know, California alone has a GDP of ±2.4 trillion dollars, which ranks it around the 7th or 8th economy in the world, larger than Canada’s or Spain’s or South Korea’s. California could easily stand on its own two feet and happily break away from any neo-Fascist Federal Government. California doesn’t need to be dealing with retrograde, irrational, resentful, alt-Right lunatics from the Midwest or anywhere else in the US. California can stand on its own grounds.
And if the state of Washington were to secede alongside us we could have a brand new and prosperous west-coast country where extreme political madness of the Trump kind would never stand a chance to succeed. And… who knows… Oregon might decide to join us too.
And if you think this sounds like a joke, think again, for if the hiring of Steve Bannon doesn’t look to you like an ominous sample of worse things to come you might need to pinch yourself to wake up from your complacent political dreams.
Donald Trump does not have a mandate and the American people should take to the streets and shout it out loud. Peaceful demonstrations should proliferate across the country and on the day of the inauguration there should be hundreds of thousands of Americans marching nearby chanting that Donald Trump is not their president.
There is no way the American people can hand the Trump administration Carte Blanche to do as they please. We have to figure out a way to bring those anti-American Republican guys to the negotiating table. Either that or, ultimately, have California secede from the Union.
Wake up ladies and gentlemen of the United States. This is no time for complacency and for playing nice with extremist Republicans. Real Americans need to stand up for what they believe and not give an inch to the neo-Fascist lunacies of the Trump Administration.
God save America (or help us split it peacefully)