
Back to China
Foshan, Guangdong Province, China, September 14, 2012

The city of Foshan, where I've been living for the past two weeks, is at 23 degrees Latitude North, near the level of Havana, Cuba, which is fine with me, as the tropics and its surroundings are some of my favorite areas of the world. Ni hao Foshan. This is also the third time I come to the Province of Guangdong,

Is it luck? Is it destiny? Whatever it is, here I am again, although this time I have no reservations about it. Take it or leave it. That's the way I've come to view China. Either you take it as it is, with all its limitations and incongruence, or you just walk away from it. If the opportunities that its massive capacity for production and its massive potential for growth still dormant in its massive domestic market don't provide you with enough incentive to stay put and put up with its shortcomings, then China is not for you. Otherwise, Ni Hao, fellow traveler.

This time I was fortunate enough to count with the good will and the good business connections of a Chinese colleague and friend and I landed a little job that is providing me with enough comfort and enough professional incentives to open up to my surroundings, thereby letting my Cloud Computing imagination spread its wings a bit wider.

Fortune smiles to those who dare, goes a saying. Well, let's see how broad Ms. Fortune's smile shines for this traveler once he has thought of staying put in one place for a couple of years. Maybe this time things will work out just fine. Maybe this time my coming to China is for real and not just another step down the path to somewhere else.

The end is already defined; it is waiting for all of us somewhere out there. In the meantime, may all things, people and situations that we meet be as pleasant, amicable, and conducive to our projects as possible.

May everything be well with you.

