Hail Authoritarian America! Brace for a Latino Pogrom Among Other Calamities.
Phuket Island, Thailand, November 6th, 2024.
Dear people of all ethnicities, religions, nationalities, walks of life, and geographical location, I hereby regret to inform you that, as of January 20th, 2025, America will no longer be a beacon of Democratic hope to the world.
On that day, the United States will proudly join the low rank of countries where the majority of the population has willfully elevated an authoritarian, proto-despot demagogue to the highest office in the land.
After experimenting for nearly 250 years with Democratic ideals and practices, a majority of Americans have finally decided to embark the country on a much different road, one where women in general and all ethnic minorities will have much less rights than the white male majority and where the National Press will have to toe the official line.
A dark road where those who pledge allegiance to their Führer will enjoy the graces granted to them by the American government, while those who disagree with him will risk losing their rights and even be subjected to prosecution.
The American people’s “happy-go-lucky” days may soon be coming to an end and be replaced by an increasing reign of fear that could eventually turn into a reign of terror, depending on the whims of the newly-anointed tyrant.
But there is only one, AND ONLY ONE culprit to blame for this deep and catastrophic paradigm shift: The American People themselves.
Nobody forced a majority of Americans to make this choice. They did it by themselves to themselves. Whatever degree of weeping, sorrow, regret, and cries for god’s mercy they may end up clamoring to the heavens a couple of years down the line, they will only have themselves to blame.
Thomas Jefferson was right when he said that “The government you elect is the government you deserve”, which on this day means that the continuous erosion of rights and freedoms America is poised to suffer from is exactly what the American people will have asked for.
As for the rest of us who didn’t elevate, and would have never elevated, such morally-degenerate individual to the presidency, we will just have to muddle through and hope for the best.
God save America… stand beside her, and guide her, through the impending authoritarian night with a light from above.