
Republican Moral Standards Are Way Below Those of the Rest of America.
Siem Reap, Cambodia, July 11th, 2024.

In its constant struggle to define its destiny, America is presently embroiled in a conflict between asymmetrical moral forces. On the one hand, we have the defenders of a system of government based on Democratic ideals and the rule of law, and on the other we have the proponents of a lawless system whose only purpose is to put a mendacious, proto-dictator demagogue once again in power.

This is a struggle between rational forces that want to continue abiding by the foundational documents and guidelines that have brought America to the top of the world and irrational forces that want to tear the whole Democratic edifice down simply because they’re not getting the undeserved, perverted supremacy of power that they want.

Where pro-Democracy forces ideally extoll pro-Constitutional, pro-human-decency behavior, the Republican Party only believes in disrupting as many legal and constitutional processes as possible so that eventually the whole governmental apparatus may crumble, thereby allowing the voice of their criminal, Fascist, anti-American Führer become the law of the land. Just take a look at the Heritage Foundation’s “Project 2025” (see here), which is the blueprint for the next Republican administration, and you’ll know exactly what I mean.

But there’s more. While those of us willing to vote for Biden seriously criticize his unacceptable performance in a presidential debate, those who blindly follow Trump won’t even express the slightest displeasure at his having incited an insurrection against the US Government, or his now being a convicted felon, or his having been indicted in three other criminal cases against the American State.

There are no common moral grounds between those two camps. It is as if we were inhabiting parallel universes. For some of us it is our duty as moral, ethical individuals to criticize Joe Biden, even as it may appear to weaken his possibilities for reelection. Republicans, on the other hand, don’t feel the slightest obligation to criticize their highly-amoral, unprincipled, anti-Democracy, convicted-felon Führer regardless of the gravity of his transgressions.

Obviously, the Republican moral standards are no way in sync with the Moral values traditionally embraced by the American people. To illustrate, just picture two kick-boxers in a ring where one of them has razor blades in his gloves and shoes, while the other one keeps playing by the rules. On top of it, the razor-blade fighter keeps hitting the referee, so as to weaken him, thereby making himself by force the sole authority in the ring. No need to clarify who is who in my allegory.

Large numbers of MAGAmericans know they’re wrong, but they don’t care. They're already past the point of no return. By now, it is Donald Trump back in the White House or bust, and America be Damned! But not everything is lost yet. For the moment we still have the effective mechanisms of Democracy to keep those destructive Republican forces at bay, but that shouldn’t be any reason for complacency, as those mechanisms are in no way guaranteed to remain always available to us.

My moral and ethical standards compel me to criticize Joe Biden’s disastrous debate performance. I am not a member of any blind, quasi-Religious, pro-Biden cult of personality, particularly because such cult doesn't exist. But there’s not even one single chance in a trillion that I vote Republican in November.

I am in no way a perfect human being, quite far from that. But neither are my moral core and my love of country anywhere near as lost and corrupt as those of the MAGA Republicans keep consistently proving to be.

