
About this Website
Shishen, China, September 7, 2011

While living in Barcelona, Spain, during the years 2004-2005, it downed upon me one day that I should somehow try to share my transcendental Yoga experiences with whomever might be interested in the topic. Given that at that point I had already put together a couple of experimental Websites, I decided to design one with the clear purpose of "publishing" some of the writings I had already done.

In the course of the years since then I have managed to bring to the acceptable shape in which it presently is. There's clearly nothing fancy to it, but, according to some of the comments I have received thus far, it serves its main purpose rather well.

And what is the main purpose of this Website? The main purpose of this Website is to share my Jnana Yoga Transcendental experience with whomever might be interested in reading about it.

But what about the rest of the stuff?

Myth has it that once anyone undergoes the event of Realizing the Self (Realizing what our true Universal and Eternal Nature is) they immediately have to go around proselytizing, decrying the falsehood of this world and exalting the wonders of renouncing all things material.

The truth is that such myth may well be applicable to some, but not to all, Realized individuals. The fact of the matter is that there's nothing really special in Realizing the Self. The act of Realizing your True Nature is just the act of regaining Direct Consciousness of THAT which you always were, always have been and always will be.

The term "Regain" implies that such Consciousness was previously known to us, which is exactly the case. The only new thing one discovers when one Realizes the Self is the fact the we had forgotten that we were, are, and will always be THAT which we really are.

In retrospective, therefore, to have unmistakably attained the full direct Consciousness of "God" feels like the most natural thing to do, which is to say that Realized individuals are, as a matter of essence, in no way different from anyone else.

To put it differently, the Self is the Screen upon which all possible animate or inanimate expressions of Itself are projected. The Self is simply the essence of everything that has ever existed and will ever exist. From this angle, to Realize the Self is basically to realize that we're all nothing other than the same Eternal Consciousness. Nothing really new about that.

And in so saying I'm not trying to downplay or minimize the immeasurable importance of Self Realization. No. There's a lot to rejoice about when Realizing the Self. But even such joy is for everyone to experience, not for anyone in particular, be it a Realized or a "Non-Realized" individual.

In fact, in a timeless way, we are all Realized Consciousnesses, except that, at this particular instant, some of us are already aware of it, while some of us not yet.

Please browse around the "Writings" section of this Website, and if you have any questions or comments about any of the writings available there, please go to the "Contact" section and feel free to send me an email. I'll be more than glad to respond.

May everything be well with you.

