Why I Support Kamala Harris 100%.
Phu Quoc Island, Vietnam, August 29th, 2024.
Bottom line, if Mickey Mouse were running against Trump, I would support Mickey Mouse 100% too. Did I get inspired listening to Kamala’s acceptance speech at the Convention? Yes, at times I did. But, then again, anyone who would have spoken equally clearly and coherently in defense of the American Workers and the American middle classes would have inspired me too.
Actually, anyone who would have spoken in defense of American Democracy even half as comprehensibly as she did would have captured my full attention. This is NOT to downplay the surprisingly-quick way in which she so naturally appropriated as her own the mantle passed to her by Joe Biden. There are NO two ways about it. We have to hand it to her. She did indeed look Presidential during her acceptance speech, as she has in other occasions too.
In a matter of weeks, she has more than risen to the occasion. By now, she appears to be in full command of her campaign. Do I think she can win in November? Absolutely! Yes, she can. And I believe she will. But my long-term hope in her is that she might finally manage to bring the Democratic Party to embrace the cause that should have always been their cause: The cause of the American workers, the cause of the American middle classes.
Over the past few decades, the Democrats have been betraying their natural constituency and have been mostly catering to the elites, which is one of the main reasons that millions of workers and lower-class Americans have felt abandoned and hopeless and have fallen for the heinous Fascist Republican-Trumpian demagoguery.
I will vote Democrat across the board on November 5th or before because I don’t have any other choice, as I no longer trust ANY Republican that might still support Trump, which is the great majority of them.
America is in NO way a perfect nation, but it is still the greatest nation the world has ever seen and I would never allow whatever disappointments I might have in it cloud my mind and my spirit, my perception and my reasoning to the point of making me want to destroy it all in pursuit of any self-serving lies any corrupt, unprincipled, America-hating madman like Donald Trump might conceive in his putrefying, ill-intentioned, amoral, traitorous, narcissistic, sociopathic mind.
Kamala Harris is in no way a hero, but I will vote for her without a single speck of hesitation in my mind for the simple reason that she is a million times a better human being than her presidential rival has ever been, is, or will ever be.