Two Incompetent, Irresponsible “Liberal” Fools Gave Us Trump 2.0.
SiĆ³fok, Hungary, February 15th, 2025.
Guess what Joe Biden’s Administration will go down in history for? Signing the Infrastructure investment Act? Providing Health Insurance to millions of Americans? Salary increases outpacing inflation during his tenure? Increasing transitioning to Green Energy? Narrowing Gender inequality? NO. None of that. Joe Biden's shameful, disastrous performance in the 06/27/24 Presidential debate? Yes, definitely so. But there's much more.
Joe Biden’s administration will go down in history as the administration that allowed insurrectionist Donald Trump go unpunished for the traitorous crimes he committed against the United States Government. In clearer words, Biden will be remembered for failing to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic”. Deluded fool.
Sharing a large portion of Joe Biden’s fault will be ex-Attorney General Merrick Garland, the weak, illusory clown that took TWO YEARS to appoint a Special Counsel to investigate Trump’s OBVIOUS responsibility for instigating the January 6 insurrection.
Irresponsible Merrick Garland wasted 24 precious months prosecuting those hundreds of foot soldiers who violently attacked the Capitol Building trying to overturn the results of the free and fair elections of 2020, thereby FAILING to prosecute Donald Trump, the guy who ordered those foot soldiers to stage the insurrection.
Hey Stupid Garland! Didn’t you know that to terminate the deadly threat of a venomous viper you start by chopping off the viper’s HEAD, NOT by chipping away bits and pieces of the viper’s tail? Didn’t you know that!? You asinine IMBECILE!!
Ever wondered why Garland, in his capacity as Attorney General, didn’t prosecute Trump himself and assigned instead a Special Counsel to do it? Ever wondered why Biden never asked Garland to prosecute Trump? Shamefully, they didn’t do any of that because of some perceived inconvenient optics, because of a ridiculous, utterly-misconceived attempt to avoid the appearance of personal or partisan bias. Cowardice.
Joe Biden didn’t want to appear like he was “weaponizing” the Department of Justice against Trump, which the Republicans ended up accusing him of doing anyway, and Garland didn’t want to appear like he was seeking vengeance for the Republicans having denied him any hearing when Barack Obama nominated him for the Supreme Court back in March of 2016. Plain, naked Cowardice!
As a result, the United States is today walking down a dark road of uncertainty because two powerful, but stupid “liberal” idiots, didn’t have the guts to put country before appearances of impropriety and FAILED miserably to stop the return of a convicted criminal, sexual offender, insurrectionist demagogue back to the White House. Stupid, irresponsible fools!!
And we all know what happened to those insurrectionist foot soldiers that the “retard” Merrick Garland wasted two years prosecuting: The great majority of them are now back in the streets thumbing their noses at the American rule of law after being pardoned by the convicted-criminal-in-chief. A total mockery of the American Judicial System.
Stupid Biden!! Stupid Garland!! Irresponsible fools!! Together they had it in their hands to spare America the catastrophic fate that now seems to await us all, but they didn’t do much about it. They wasted such precious, vital opportunity in the name of some ball-less, hypocritical appearances.
America will surely pay a price for having elected a convicted criminal President, just as we are already paying a price for having had two incompetent, irresponsible, cowardly, “liberal” stupid idiots at the helm during the previous administration.