Hey Trump Followers: You Don't Really Know What You’re Doing.
Phuket Island, Thailand, October 13th, 2024.
In a way, I think I understand you. You’re extremely frustrated and angry because you feel the government has abandoned you and you’re perfectly right in feeling that way. The traditional American industrial greatness that your grandparents thrived in and were so proud of, is no longer part of your reality, so you feel left behind and your frustration is so deep and intense that it has blinded you to the point of having you embrace an all-or-nothing, self-destructive desire for revenge.
So, in that way, I think I understand you, but when your resentment takes you to the point of wanting to burn the American Democratic and Judicial Systems to the ground and replace them with a dictatorial, autocratic regime, I stand 100% against you. It is at that point that you fall in the same category as those Muslim Jihadists who blow themselves up in crowded Western plazas and buildings thinking that, in so doing, they will exact revenge on the Western world partly because our cultures and religions have put us way ahead of them in terms of sociopolitical and economic progress.
By now we all know that those murderous Jihadists cry “Allahu Akbar” before blowing themselves up. Translating that phrase into English, “Allahu” means “God is” and “Akbar” means “The Greatest”. In your religious adoration of your false messiah, you Trumpers are also in an irrational suicidal mission similar to that of the Muslim Jihadists, except that instead of going around chanting “Allahu Akbar” you guys go around chanting “Trump Akbar”, meaning, “Trump is the Greatest”. You think I’m joking?
As reported in Bob Woodward’s upcoming book “War”, Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) has stated that “Going to Mar-a-Lago is a little bit like going to North Korea. Everybody stands up and claps every time Trump comes in.” Can you picture that? Such servile reverence seems just a small notch short of a Nazi-style salute: Heil Trump! (see collage here)
In fact, Trump is already a dictator within the Republican Party. NO ONE within the party dares to stand up AGAINST him, no matter how unhinged whatever he says or does may be. And that’s happening right now, as Trump doesn’t hold any governmental powers in his hands. Just picture how it will be if Trump is reelected and populates his Cabinet and all possible governmental posts with lackeys who will do exactly as he says?
And add to that the fact that the Supreme Court has already ruled that, if elected again, Trump would be immune from prosecution, thereby paving the road for him to become the first-ever dictator in the history of the United States of America? Some ignorant, irresponsible Maga guys even go around saying that America needs to have a dictator for 4 years (see here), but those guys don’t have the slightest idea what it means to have a dictator.
Dictators stay in power for as long as they can and the only way to get rid of them is usually by Coup d’état. And the longer dictators stay in power, the crazier and more murderous they get. From the perspective of guys like me, who have lived in authoritarian countries like China and in totalitarian countries like Saudi Arabia, anyone who follows Trump is perfectly ignorant of what they’re wishing for.
Trumpers are on a suicidal mission intent on destroying the most precious treasure they presently hold in their hands: The Integrity of the Democratic, Constitutional Republic of the United States of America.
Hey Trump followers: You don’t have the damnest, slightest idea of what you’re doing. Better wakeup before you vote for Trump on November 5th, for if he's reelected you will regret it for the rest of your lives, just as much as the rest of the country will have to suffer the dire consequences of your damn ignorance and stupidity.
Save the Republic. Vote Democrat across the board in November.