Trump Escaped Death on July 13th Thanks to a Satanic Intervention.
Phuket Island, Thailand, October 23rd, 2024.
The man who has no love in his heart for anyone but himself, goes around claiming before so-called “Christian” gatherings that he “would like to think that God saved [him] for a purpose”, so that he could “make our country greater than ever before” (see here). Ha! Can you believe that? No way. That’s just another of those typical, ridiculous, Trumpian, self-serving lies.
No self-respecting, righteous god would ever save any such iniquitous, arrogant, insidious, hate-consumed, shameless liar individual from his fatal destiny. If there was any kind of otherworldly intervention in that incident was from the part of Beelzebub, that evil entity also known as Satan.
No doubt “the Devil” of the bible is as powerful as its creator, meaning that he has as much say in the destiny of the world as his counterpart “up in heaven”. Since the god of the bible created the devil, the devil has allegedly been wreaking havoc across the universe for millennia while “god” has only passively been observing and hasn’t done a god-damned thing about it.
Just check out the famines, the pandemics, the wars, the hatred, the divisions that constantly plague the world and ask yourself, is that the work of a benign “god”? Or is it that “god” is just an impotent, helpless entity in the face of his powerful, destructive, uncontrollable rival?
As far as I’m concerned, I don’t believe in any of that. For me, the devil is just a mythological fantasy, just as much a fantasy as the “god” of those so-called Christians who, in their contorted imagination, would consider it right to spare the life of a malevolent individual such as Trump.
Just ask yourselves, what “divine” purpose would such otherworldly intervention serve? Who would benefit from sparing the life of such a maleficent individual so that he can keep spewing his divisive lethal venom across the world? Certainly NOT the United States.
The only beneficiaries of such intervention would be those who seek to dismantle the American Democratic and Judicial Systems so that a dictator can assume total power over the nation. And ultimately, who rejoices when dictators sow pain and destruction all over their countries and over their peoples? Satan, the Devil, Beelzebub.
No benign, righteous “god” would do favors to the Devil, right? So, obviously, if there was any otherworldly intervention on July 13th, it was Satan’s. If there were any fingerprints detectable all over such undivine intervention it would be those of Beelzebub.
So, sorry, Mr. Trump, in your utterly blind and amoral perception of reality, you don’t even know that it is the Devil who is protecting you to the point of, presumably, saving your life, so that you can keep doing his divisive, satanic work here on Earth. NOTE: This commentary might have validity only within the Biblical-Christian paradigm.
To read a short writing that elaborates on this subject, please click here.