JD Vance Openly Advocates Terminating the Democratic Republic of the United States.
Siófok, Hungary, February 11th, 2025.
Vice President JD Vance couldn’t have said it any clearer: “judges aren’t allowed to control the executive’s legitimate power.” (see here) In so stating, the VP is saying that the current President of the United States is above any Constitutional mandates and is unbeholden to the general law of the land. Are you at all appalled by such inflammable statement? Not me.
I’m not going to play the role of “retard” that all those liberal pundits and “policy experts” usually play whenever any Maga extremist (is there any other kind?) vomits out loud any of their customary incendiary insanities. In my view, no irrationality that any of them may vocalize sounds outlandish any longer.
What else did you expect!? That’s what I ask those dumb liberals that get scandalized whenever they first get wind of any new Maga asininity. Are there any Americans STILL expecting any degree of decency or morality from the part of those Maga guys? They elected a convicted-criminal, sexual-offender, insurrectionist, amoral demagogue President, remember!? Is there anyone still expecting any degree of respect from their part for any of the foundational documents and institutions that constitute the pillars that have kept the nation standing for 249 years? Ha!
How naïve can those Democrat and Independent liberals be!? Will they ever get it through their thick heads!? It’s over!! Republican love of American Democracy is finished, and so is their love of the Republic of the United States. What they want can no longer be any clearer: They want to put in place a UNITARY form of government where all power is concentrated in the Executive, so that the role of the Legislative and the Judiciary is reduced to merely implementing and administering the Presidential dictates.
They want a system of government with NO checks and balances capable of impinging on the will of the “Dear Leader”. In a few words, they just want to install an autocratic, dictatorial form of government in the United States of America. Why is such an evident fact SO difficult for liberals and other non-Maga people to understand? It has already been years since they have been telling us exactly what their intentions are.
Yet, stupid idiots like ex-Attorney General Merrick Garland and even ex-President Joe Biden let the leaders of those Maga Republicans basically get away with murder so that by now they feel empowered to try to terminate for good the Democratic Republic of the United States and replace it with a permanent, irreversible autocratic regime.
For the moment, the Federal Courts are the only viable recourse for keeping American Democracy functional. How long before those daring Judges are bribed, intimidated, or forcefully removed? With Congress as acquiescent as it currently is and with the majority of Justices in the Supreme Court already on the Maga side, how long before the Constitutional light that has thus far guided our Democratic Republic goes dark?
Nobody has a clear answer to those questions and, for the moment, there’s not much any of us common Americans can do about it.
In the absence of much choice, therefore, it looks like our best and only bet is to just keep contributing our two cents in defense of the Republic in whichever way possible.
P.S.: VP Vance’s pro-Autocracy advocacy is NOT just random inflammatory rhetorics. It’s an applicable policy already in place. The White House is now in clear violation of a Federal Judge’s order to unfreeze billions of dollars worth of funds that had previously been authorized by Congress. Surprise? Not for guys like me. Read detailed article here.