Supreme Morons at the Supreme Court
Yiwu, Zhejiang Province, China, July 28th, 2013.
Barely minutes after SCOTUS (Supreme Court Of The United States) finished issuing its retrograde 5-4 decision basically invalidating section 4 of the Voting Rights Act* on June 25th, Texas’ and North Carolina’s Republicans had already finished fine-tuning their backward minority-voter-blocking new rules**.
And we’re supposed to assume that guys like Justice Roberts and his conservative SCOTUS ilk are some of the top “Wisemen” in the US? Really? I frankly refuse to accept such premise. In my view, Roberts and his conservative minions look increasingly like nothing but an insult to human intelligence.
“Our country has changed” Roberts said when voicing the majority ruling against section 4 and, sure enough, nobody in this world can deny that. You’re right, Mr. Roberts, whites no longer hang blacks from trees in the south, and that’s a big change in America, but a good majority of Republican politicians still discriminate against minority groups whenever they can, particularly in the form of minority-voter-suppression rules.
Who do you think the proposed new voting requirements in South Carolina will hurt the most, Mr. Roberts? Middleclass and well-to-do Republicans or poor disenfranchised minority Democrats? How long will it take for your dim-witted mind to answer that question, Mr. Roberts?
Maybe the answer is already at hand, either you are a reality-challenged individual (i.e., a moron) or you are a clear outright racist. Of those two choices, the latter seems to be the most plausible, as I refuse to think that you’re mentally retarded to the point of not knowing the degree to which your latest ideologically-biased decision may harm the political wellbeing of the United States.
One serious problem with such conservative rulings is their intrinsic contradiction in terms of the Republican Party’s core ideology. Republicans are supposed to be Darwinian in their approach to public policy. Their general motto is to allow the fittest to survive while allowing the unfit to perish. But in embracing such primitive stance they forget one of nature’s wider precepts for the survival of any species: What’s good for the individual is not necessarily good for the clan, and what’s good for the clan is not necessarily good for the nation.
In other words, a crucial point that conservatives seem to have forgotten is that, in the long run, the survival at stake is not that of the Republican Party, but that of the United States. Most SCOTUS conservative decisions and most state conservative voting policies may seem conducive to keeping the Republican Party afloat, but they’re definitely counterproductive when trying to keep America on the right track towards the future.
The more the Republican Party and their conservative followers act in the name of their retrograde ideology, the more they look like a destructive force seriously bent on ruining the country in a suicidal mission of “our way or no way”, stubbornly charging against the winds of change. And there's not a tinge of Darwinist survivalism in such stance, as any species that fails to adapt to changes in the environment is headed for extinction.
Sadly enough, the conservative wing of the Supreme Court is not wise enough to conceive of the present American reality in a way that differs much from such Republican narrow view.
The more we contemplate some of the latest conservative Supreme Court decisions, the more we're entitled to conclude that the real “Supreme” characteristic of that branch of government is the Supreme Stupidity that plagues the conservative justices in its midst.
- *Invalidating section 4 of the VRA basically allows certain southern states to make changes to their voting procedures without any previous clearance from the Justice Department or a Federal Court in Washington. To read the full definition of section 4 of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, please click on the following link:
- ** To read a detailed account of the discriminative voting procedure changes now effective in Texas, North Carolina, and other southern states, please click on the following link: