Hey Maga Fools! There Are NO Term Limits for Dictators.
Nha Trang, Vietnam, February 1st, 2025.
Back in January of 2024, shortly after Donald Trump told the audiences at FOX News that he would be a dictator on day one of his second term, some US citizens were asked in the streets whether they would rather have four more years of Joe Biden or four years of Trump as a dictator. Not surprisingly, a number of them answered they would rather have four years of Trump as a dictator (watch video here)
You don’t have to pretend to hold any higher moral ground to see the deep stupidity and ignorance shown by those outspoken Maga cultists and idolaters. Their response might have actually been reason for laughter had it not had the inauspicious consequences it is already having.
Don’t those Maga guys know that there are no term limits for dictators!? Don’t they know that the first thing dictators do is rig, or get rid of, any democratic systems that may exist in their countries so that nobody can challenge them? Don’t they know that dictators often stay in power for life? Don’t they know that even when dictators die they often pass the baton to a younger member of their family or to another member of their authoritarian party?
Just remember Francisco Franco in Spain: Dictator for 36 years. Or recall Fidel Castro in Cuba: Dictator for 49 years basically till the day he died. Or look at the Kim family in North Korea: Dictators for 77 years and still going. Or check out Vladimir Putin in Russia: Dictator for 24 years and there is NO end in sight to his despotism. Or recall Augusto Pinochet in Chile: Dictator for 17 years. Or just look at the so-called “Communist Party” in China: In power for 76 years and still as powerful as ever.
And those stupid Maga fools, along with some stupid Democrats too, think that Trump and the Republican Party will let go off the reins of power once they consolidate Trump’s autocracy, which he will probably consolidate before the Midterm elections? Are those Maga fools kidding themselves? Are they blind or are they just plain stupid!!??
Trump has openly told the whole world that he intends to get rid of American Democracy, but most Americans, perhaps more so those of the Maga persuassion, are so enthralled in their archaic, mistaken belief in American invulnerability that they categorically refuse to believe him. I invite you to see for yourself how on July 26th, 2024, Trump told us in no uncertain terms that he intends to abolish free and fair elections in the United States. Watch video here.
You still don't get it? Those Trumpian guys are not joking. The changes they are dead-set on implementing in America are in NO way superficial. Those changes are FUNDAMENTAL, STRUCTURAL and will be as much as possible designed to resist any reversing back to any previous state. Are those Maga masses aware of any of this? Apparently not.
“Forgive them, for they know not what they do” (Luke 23:34). So said a wise, well-known gentleman seeing that his peers had condemned him to death by crucifixion. Will you be willing to forgive the Maga hordes if and when Donald Trump finally manages to dismantle the US government thereby bringing the Democratic Republic of the United States to its knees?
The Civil-War rebel troops and their leaders were responsible for the death of 620,000 Americans in their traitorous attempt to break the country in two, but when they lost the war they were largely forgiven for it. Not much penalties were imposed on them to entice them to repent for their serious anti-American crimes. The reconstruction efforts were never fully brought to completion.
And maybe that is the reason that many anti-Democracy Americans have always felt strongly encouraged to stage a second attempt, which they have now succeeded in initiating at the start of the second quarter of the 21st century, this time in a much more calculated manner, using the very same means and mechanisms of American Democracy and the American Judicial System to finally get rid of both.
So, hey stupid Maga fools! Wake up from your abject deficiency of understanding. You cannot put in place a dictatorship in America for a limited time only. There are NO term limits for dictators.
No doubt about it, those Maga guys’ delusional irrationality only comes to suggest that the boundaries to human stupidity may never be determined.