
No Longer the Leader of the Free World.
SiĆ³fok, Hungary, February 26th, 2025.

The leader of the free world is no more. For 80 years the United States usually stood firm alongside most other countries members of the United Nations against tyranny. Not anymore. The light of the number one guarantor of Democracy to the world is getting dimmer by the day.

All it took for the United States to drop the baton of leadership was for modern technology to shatter the dreams of a few tens of millions of Americans and that was enough for the country to throw its imperfect but proven institutions of government out the window, including the majority of the electorate’s own moral principles and their belief in the irreplaceable merits of Democracy.

In elevating to the presidency a convicted criminal with an outspoken contempt for the rule of law and the Constitution, a guy who openly supports the most prominent dictators of the day, America has forfeited its hitherto well-earned label of “Leader of the Free World”.

During the Cold War, America made shady deals of convenience with two-bit, tin-pot dictators of the Latin American kind, but never in the 80-year history of the UN had the United States openly sided with a murderous despot who threatens the stability of the world. Those days are now gone.

Just this past February 24, the United States voted alongside Russia against a UN resolution condemning Russia’s invasion of Ukraine (see here). In clearer terms: America supports Vladimir Putin’s annexation of Ukrainian territories through military force. No more Mr. Niceguy. No more shining city on a hill. No more beacon of Democratic hope to the rest of the world.

The world in general and Europe in particular will soon be left slowly twisting in the wind as the imminent dark alliance between Russia and the United States steadily moves toward completion.

The United Nations is an institution first conceived by the American president FDR as an instrument for communication, cooperation, and resolution of conflicts between nations. Since the UN's inception in 1945 in San Francisco, the United States has been mostly a guarantor of that institution’s intended purpose. Not anymore.

As of February 24th, 2025, the United States is no longer on the side of the good guys of the world. From that day, America is on the side of UNFREE countries such as Belorussia, North Korea, and Nicaragua in their support for Russia’s landgrab in Ukraine.

As of that day, The United States is no longer the leader of the free world.

