
Disagreeing with A Friend From California Who Sent Me Some Bad US News..
SiĆ³fok, Hungary, February 24th, 2025.

My friendship with “J” dates from a few decades. We met when she was dating a good friend of mine who was from England and I was just getting a graduate degree at UCSB.

When my friend past away, “J” and I remained in contact and we have been corresponding on-and-off while I’ve been travelling a bit around the world. Yesterday she sent me a message that prompted me to reply. Later, I thought I should share that exchange in these pages, so here it is. The following is a literal quotation of the message she sent me:

-- “It's beyond unpleasant these days in the US. Am somewhat sheltered being in SB but I want to travel more so will be heading back to Canada in a few months. Trump's base is starting to turn on him as they are slowly learning what he is about. The public is not as stupid as he and his pals seem to think but his small faction has a ton of money and far too many still worship him. Terrible times for the rest of us and those connected with this country.” --

The topic of her message was exactly up my alley, as that’s basically all that I’ve been talking about in these pages for the past few months, so I replied to her almost as soon as I read her message. I wrote:

-- “Well, I have to disagree with you on this one. You say “The public is not as stupid as he and his pals seem to think”, but they are. They elected him. You also say “Trump's base is starting to turn on him as they are slowly learning what he is about”. Excuse me! You mean THEY DIDN’T KNOW what Trump is all about!!??

How STUPID does anyone have to be not to detect when they’re dealing with an INVETERATE CONMAN with an obvious, deep and thick streak of anti-Democratic authoritarianism in his blood and record!? Sorry. NO excuses.

The electorate handed that guy the Presidency, the House, and the Senate, knowing that the Supreme Court was already in his pocket. If by doing so they didn’t know what they were doing, well, screw them! Whatever chaos is about to befall the US, they had it coming.

As an American, even as a multinational individual, I stand to suffer some of the consequences the whole world is about to suffer, so I keep throwing my two cents of effort to avert the worst of it all. In the long run, however, there’s not much any of us common individuals can do.” --

A short while later I came back to WhatsApp and again came across her thread, so I wrote:

-- “Just have to add that there’s absolutely NO Excuse for anyone to start regretting having voted for Trump. We all knew that the guy is a CONVICTED CRIMINAL, INSURRECTIONIST, SEXUAL OFENDER who openly declared he wanted to be a DICTATOR and proposed in public to get rid of the Constitution of the United States.

Are you saying that those STUPID Maga guys were expecting him to behave according to ANY STANDARDS OF DECENCY!? Excuse me!? To hell with them! There’s a price to pay for stupidity and there’s a very heavy price to pay for stupidities of this magnitude.

Unfortunately, this time the whole world stands to pay for the asinine foolishness of a few tens of millions of ignorant Americans.” --

And, for the moment, that’s where the conversation with my friend “J” stands.

