
Money Talks But American Courts of Law Can Still Talk Much Louder.
SiĆ³fok, Hungary, February 9th, 2025.

Hey Judge Engelmeyer, thank you for your injunction against those unbridled, shameless DOGE outlawed maneuvers (see here). Now, just let the temporary restrictions against them stand forever.

Elon Musk’s stinking, rotten, Fascist nose doesn’t have any business sniffing around the personal records of any of us American citizens. To hell with that pro-Apartheid South African A**hole. Someone should get that SOB on board an X rocket and launch him into the fetid rectum of the Universe where he belongs.

It is a bit troubling to witness how two immigrants to the US, one from Australia and the other from South Africa, have managed to inflict so much damage to the American Democratic System. Together, the work that Rupert Murdoch and Elon Musk keep doing has perhaps generated the worst sociopolitical havoc that could have ever befallen the United States.

It is indeed rather sad to realize that a guy like Elon Musk, who possesses such high spirits for technological innovation and has such proven rocket-science knowhow, can at the same time be the callous, ignorant, ill-willed, reactionary A-hole that he is when it comes to understanding the complexities of the human condition.

Australian Immigrant Rupert Murdoch is an equally immoral guy, yet exceptionally gifted when it comes to awakening and whipping-up the worst instincts lurking in the American psyche.

A notch above them is Donald Trump, who has very deftly managed to con and deceive tens of millions of Americans into naively believing that he will rescue them from whatever misfortune they might find themselves in. Those three guys are all birds of a feather.

But the real lesson the three of them are teaching us is that evil geniuses are indeed real-life individuals, NOT just ugly, odious, dark fairytale characters. History has seen the likes of such disgusting vermin before in the form of Joseph Goebbels, Adolph Eichman, Josef Mengele, Benito Mussolini, Adolph Hitler and others, but one thing is to read about those amoral individuals and another is to be subjected to their destructive whims.

Fortunately, not everything is lost yet. There are 19 attorneys general who brought a lawsuit against Donald Trump for “failing to faithfully execute the nation’s laws when he let DOGE comb through federal computer systems” (see here), and, in response, Judge Paul Adam Engelmeyer has issued a temporary restriction on DOGE.

Now, on February 14th, it will be up to Judge Jeannette A. Vargas, who is handling the case on a permanent basis, to decide whether to let the restrictions stand or give DOGE a greenlight to go forward.

Hopefully, Judge Vargas will not be of the depraved kind that stands for the destruction of the precious Democratic Republic of the United States.

Given the elected Democrats’ cowardly abdication of their duties in the US Congress, it is the US courts that now stand as the last and only ramparts in defense of American Democracy.

